The Word of GodEdit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: Jul. 10, 2014  Hits: 5,306   Category:  Minstry   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


God says on Hose, ‘my people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge’. He didn’t say lack of grace. He didn’t say lack of money or love.

Can you imagine how important it is to be in the truth? When the light of his word shines upon your face, no evil force can stand in front of you. You problems will be gone like a wind. Now the only way he can teach you adequately is not through mere reading but through revelation of his word through his spirit.

Every now and then we found ourselves short of the revelation of the word of God. Sometimes we make ourselves busier than we ought to be. We tend to be completely unavailable and unreachable to the Spirit of the Lord and yet we expect to see results in all areas of our lives.

The fact is if we deprive ourselves the knowledge that comes from the word of God, we couldn’t accumulate enough wisdom to resist temptation and lead our lives in the right way that the Lord wanted us to lead.

The most important thing is we can’t blame God or someone else when the problems arrive. The excuse to say that we are unaware of the circumstance and unaware of the will of God is not acceptable once we fall short of the protection of God

God is an awesome God. He has prepared the road map of our salvation, richness, happiness and joy in his word. He has also given his Spirit so that the ordinary man can understand the word that comes the mouth of an extraordinary and magnificent God.

We don’t have any reason not to be affected by his love and mercy extended to us through the Lord Jesus Christ. We don’t have any reason not to read his word and not to be comforted by his Spirit.

So brothers and sister in Christ, please let us spend each and every precious moment with the Lord through his word and Spirit. He will help us accumulate enough knowledge and wisdom to faithfully serve him with all we have got and pass it to our children, the next generation to come.

May God overflow the love of reading the Bible every day and establish a committed relationship with him through Christ in the name of Jesus. Amen.



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