The Impartation of the Gifts of the Holy GhostEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jun. 20, 2015  Hits: 5,071   Category:  Minstry   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


One of the good things about this kind of impartation is that it is peaceful and full of compassion for others. It is as if something is flowing non-stop with in us to give us rest and peace. When that happens, we will also want to share that with the rest of the world with great ambition and zeal for the kingdom of God. We would feel empathy for those who are going through tough times with or without their consent.

On the contrary, when we are out of the presence of God, we will not feel love and kindness for others.All we think all day is to make us happy and not to care for others. The presence of God creates initiation in you to do good with your time and with all you have got. He wants you to share your belongings with the needy.

He wants you to encourage one another. Most of all, He wants you to love your neighbor as it is written in the Bible. He is a wonderful reminder of what God has done through Christ and all of the sacrifices He made on that cross.

How do we participate in this wonderful blessing of the Lord?Well first of all, we need to invite the Lord in to our hearts, recognize him that He is the salvation of our souls.Jesus is the reason we are not wicked and disobedient children any more.

He is the Lamb of God in whom we all could escape the wrath of God. When we come near to the presence of the Holy Ghost, we will fill this amazing high level of joy and happiness inside.There is no cost for you and me to enjoy this kind of blessing. It is all paid in full by Him, who wants us nothing but the best for his Children.But this gift is not for all. It is only for those who have accepted him as their Lord and Savior. We need to recognize him for what He has done in our lives.

These are 9 gifts given by the Holy Spirit for our edification according to 1 Corinthians 12:8.

1. Wisdom

2. Knowledge

3. Faith

4. Healing

5. Working of miracles

6. Prophecy

7. Discerning of spirits

8. Divers kinds of tongues

9. Interpretation of tongues


These are all beyond our natural abilities. These are supernatural powers given to human beings who have surrendered their lives to Christ and lived their lives according to the Word of God. All of these gifts are given by God not according to our deeds but because of his grace and his Love. Therefore, one shouldn't be proud for obtaining and exercising them.

Most of all, these gifts are given to us so that we can help one another to build our Spiritual strength and grow in to the likeness of God in Christ. Therefore, the motto should be Love and Love first, before even try to use them. For God has not called us to destroy others but to edify us and our brothers and sister in Christ.

It is our father’s will to clean ourselves every day from the accumulation of filth, bitterness and sin in general. It is impossible to stay clean while we live in this world no matter how hard we try. The good news is it is possible to live a guilt free life since the blood of Jesus is always fresh in our lives to cleanse us from every sin we commit on to God.

But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we will have fellowship with one another, and the Blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. -1 John 1:7


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