The End TimesEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Mar. 19, 2014  Hits: 4,384   Category:  Minstry   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-



Matthew 24:44

Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.


When everything looks good, smooth and safe;

When everyone asks you to go forward and just try it;

When every feeling and every nerve urge you to continue;

It is good to listen to the Lord.


No matter what it is, it good to stop and think

Where are all this pople pushing me?

Where am I going?

Where is my destiny?

Who am I end up with?


In this world, nothing can be taken for granted

Everything that has a beginning has an end

Nothing lasts forever, nothing stands forver

Everything will be gone by the wind except God's love and faithfulness


Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.


If we put our trust on something that will soon be gone

If we think somone will always be there for us except Jesus

If we believe we have the strength we all need to survive

How pitful we will be and how miserable our lives will end up to be

They say it is very dangerous to lean on something that is not able to stand by itself


That is quite true and interesting

We all are human beings and we all need someone s precence to exist


Consder if God almighty took of the breath of life he gave from us

Consider who we are and what are we made of

We are simply come out of dust and to dust we shall return

But in our words we say things that is not true


We say we are trustworthy and dependable for someone
We even say we have some one to put our trusts and hopes and dreams
If it is not Jesus who should be our only source of wisdom and understanding
Who else can provide us the security and protection we all need from someone
It is one thing and I think it is fair to go for it but it is another thing where to find it

True love is worthy of our trust and our time
And all of our efforts to find it shall be rewarded
True love doesn't come from any human flesh
True security doesn't abide in the wealth of someone s prosperity
We may have a good life and get everything we want in life 
But remember this, true happiness and joy and a fulfiled life comes from the Lord

There is nothing in this world that will fulfill our lives than to humbly obey the Lord and all of his commndments.
If we lean on the Lord with all our heart we can take his word as a final word

We can depend and see for our selves that the Lord is indeed trustworthy and awesome God
Neither he will fail us nor forsake us in times of trouble
If we turn our face to him in all times, he is able to rescue us when the time of trouble attack us like a lion
But what if we believe in someone or trust something else but not the Lord

What if we take something for granted from someone and in all of the sudden everything fall apart 
Isn't it something we will have trouble in getting up again and stand in our feet?

Everything proofed to be insecure and not trust worthy
There is only one who we can turst not only in this life but also in the life to come and forever more

His name is Jesus Christ he is wonderful and beautiful 
Everything God made that was beautiful was made through him
The Bible calls him the wisdom of God - The son of the almighty
Before the moon and the sun brought forth

Before the earth give birth to the mountain and the deep valley
Before the stars and the sea and the ocean were created
Before anything on earth, above the earth and under the earth was created -You are God

Before we are made out of a piece of mud and you give us the container of your spirit -You are the son of God
Before you formed us in the mother's womb and we come to existence - You are God



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