Love your God, family, friends and enemyEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jul. 3, 2014  Hits: 16,842   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


How to become a good communicator?How to avoid common issues we face daily during a relationship with others?How to glorify God’s name in our lives?How to be a good partner of life who will be always there for our spouse besides being a faithful child and servant to the Lord?

These are one of the most important question we want to answer in life. I believe establishing a good relationship with God and also with our spouse is the key to enjoy happy life. We always plead God for his mercy ask him to forgive our soul:

“Lord, forgive me my sin that I have been so stubborn and unwilling to accept your teachings. Promise me that you will never punish me with the sin of my youth. I cling up on your mercy and grace to do this.”

We also need a revelation on how to deal with our spouse and friends. Sometimes we are tempted to use the same amount of love we have for a human being for the Lord. We need to understand there is different kinds and level of love. Love your God with all your heart and mind and soul and might and power. And love your wife/husband next and love your family and your friends as yourself.

Now there are many things you need to tell God and hide it from the rest even to yourself. When we pray in spirit accompanied with tongues, we are speaking in secret to our God.

Don’t be so self-righteous and do something by your own. Always consult God with everything you do. More than everything please be slow to speak and quick to listen. Avoid talking something from your own perspective. Use God word and your faith to proclaim your victory in times of troubles.

Don’t talk about something you are not comfortable with. Do not make the Holy Spirit feel sorry about anything. Be sensitive and listen and accept advice and learn. Don’t be foolish and do everything by your own understanding only. Listen to voice of the Lord and do what he tells you to do.

We also need to be very careful in providing vital information to other individuals. Wisdom tells you to know what you are dealing with. Your emotion and your level of desire to talk and react all depends on who you dealing with and your level of respect for the person.

Your don’t need to tell the same amount of information to your friend that you did to your spouse. You need to know everything about your spouse. You need to know what makes him happy and unhappy.The same way you need to know what makes your spouse happy.

I mean you are moving against the direction of the current of waves of the society. This world is a fallen world and every advice you get from it is not worthy to make your marriage work. You need to be modest in everything, controlling your life. Knowing the time to do everything

Make important decisions according to the will of God. Seek his guidance every bit of your life. The challenges you get from the world are not easy to underestimate. I say if you allow God to interfere with your life in everything you will be successful

The question is always clear. Is anger something that can controlled? Is managing anger a gift or something we have to work on? When is power released from heaven? When is help released from heaven?

About crazy act of disrespect. Does love and power go together? Can someone respect you while he loves you? Or is one traded for another? Or which must be sought first. Should I seek my own power from other?

I know I have to work with others to maintain self-respect but what about power? Is power can be given to humans? If so for whom it shall be given? Why openness bring disrespect? How to bring justice when someone just insult you. Until God gives the real heart they will think of you as something unworthy.

In the laws of Mosses it says, "you must not be punished more than 40 lashes because other Israelites may think you are worthless." Sometimes people intentionally insult you just to find out

ow much you value self-respect. 

How do you respond to that to bring an end to the disrespect? With vengeance to bring justice or will you just neglect the insult and go on with your life? There are many times we are a victim of someone wrong behavior and not getting the proper value. I believe all manner of disrespect comes one way or another by not doing the same thing.

When we were kids we learn the hard way how to respect elders. I think now the younger individuals do not get the same point as important as it is. And most importantly even if there is no perfect solution for the first problem which is when someone just bring you down out of the blue because it may be madness like I have experienced before.

The best way to prevent it is to be as polite as possible to the other person. Think as much worth and value as you think you have for yourself but not as much as to lose your dignity and self-confidence and not as much value you think one has for you. 

Remember what the law says: think of your friend as worthy as you are. Respect your neighbor as you want him to respect you. But if your silence makes you looked down by someone else, then you need to take yourself one or two level out of the boundaries you used to be with her/him.

Remember no revenge is necessary and only forgiveness will allow God to work justice on behalf of you. Revenge is God’s thing. True power belongs to God everything else is either falsification of the real power. Or it is a temporarily delegate power from God. 

Always there is a fake form of the reality. There is true power and false power. There is true and false worship. There is true and false song. There is true and false pleasure. There is true and false purpose. There is true and false wisdom. Why it is like this? Because of there is God and there is devil. There is good and there is evil. One cannot exist without the other. 

One cannot be perceived or defined or understood without the existence of the other. One is defined in relation to the other. What is light if there is no darkness. Who will know truth without knowing false. But as for me the issue of seeking once glory and power be a curse. 

My desire is seeing your name be glorified among your people. My utmost is your pleasure. My life is yours sacrifice. My power is your glory. Jesus was presented with an opportunity where he could be king of Judah. 

The people wanted to do that for him because they didn't see such awesome miracles that he had performed in front of them. But he looked at it and he turned his face from it because he wanted to offer that as a gift to his father. He wanted to use this and every other similar occasion as an opportunity to express his love for his father. He believed he should not seek any power on his own desire but all he was born to do is to bring glory to the father. 

God bless you for reading this blog.


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