Trust, Relationships and DatingEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Sep. 19, 2014  Hits: 4,646   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 2             A+ A-


How much trust should we put in a relationship

One of the issues we face while dating is trust. No one can form a strong relationship without trust. But the thing is no one is worthy of your trust while dating.

And they say there is no love and relationship without trust. May be that is how life should be or maybe not. We (Adam and Eve) started our journey with unfaithfulness. Human beings have a long history of unfaithfulness to the Lord. As long as we live in the flesh, we are unworthy of trust. The flesh with out the Spirit is the punishment for our evil act against the will of God in our lives.

It doesn’t mean we are all in all evil. But on the surface level, we cannot say anything for sure. On our spirit level and on our soul level if we have Jesus and we know him well, things look much better. That is why Jesus is afraid of letting you go somewhere and come back hurt.

He doesn’t allow a girl or a boy or a friend or anyone to come too close to you. You need to keep what you know to yourself. And expose wisdom in a very artistic manner. Do not expose unnecessary information to no one. Be creative and communicative. Be the leader by being the servant.

Relationships can be dangerous 

The wicked can possibly hurt your feelings in just few words. They can transform immediately and become the enemy of the Spirit of God. Sometimes their hate can be seen in their eyes. Their anger flows out of their mouth like a river.

No need to be in argument with such kind of people. They are determined to destroy you and you don’t want to do that. Disappointments are inevitable as long as we live in this world. Broken heart is what all we have at the end of all the effort we made to please them.

It is a snare either to please or to make others feel angry. May the Lord destroy the reputation of the wicked? May He lay his anger on them?

May their children see their wickedness? Do not punish the children by the sin of their parents. Their wickedness is not a Mistry in your eyes. May you protect the prey they snare upon. May God reveal their hidden agenda to destroy the meek?

Lord, please confront them with your judgment. We have no right to do that. We have no right to make someone guilty of sin. We don’t dare to condemn others for the evil thing they do as we too are not far from sin.

May their name blot out from your book. They are the enemy of all the works of your hand and the expression of your love. May you protect your children from their evil plan. It is almost impossible to make an agreement with such evil. What Christ has to do with Lucifer? What has light has to do with darkness?

Relationship are formed and built little by little

If you guys can communicate with understanding. If you respect and understand each other feelings. Then little by little the same way a baby finds trust in his mother’s hand, you will develop love and trust on one another.

How do you know your friend wants to form relationship with you? Returning calls, accept invitations, share past experiences. Watch and learn. There is some clue for you to identify if your friend is for real. Do not take anything seriously at the beginning.

Do not hurry things. Take your time. Be sure you don’t do what you don’t want to do. Don’t get there too soon. If something doesn’t make sense to you, you are probably right. Take your time find out things by yourself.

See for yourself what somebody else told you. Do not come in to conclusion based on someone suggestions. You may start to have more time together. You may start to know each other better. You should pray on your future married life. You need to have a committed friendship to each other that can lay foundation to the next level.

Nothing unusual though. No need to give and take empty promises yet. But invest
quality time in each other’s lives. You have to saw a seed of love that will grow tomorrow.

In case of fire know your exits. It cannot get simpler than this. Don’t put yourself in to a situation that there is no way out. You may lose some points but it is ok. You may feel disappointed in the end that is life all about. But do not lean on someone and do not allow others to lean on you. Give because you love not because you can give. And be ready to receive in return – from the Lord.

Love is the fuel for any kind of Relationship

Love is a gift from God. Sometimes it has to be earned. Sometimes it has to be learned. Sometimes it has to be shared. Love has a tremendous amount of positive energy. You can take this gift and use it as you want.

Love is a temporary delegated power from God to you like money or authority. But love is invisible and doesn’t take any form by itself. It is us who will decide how to use it. It needs a great deal of responsibility. If you don’t know how to use it, you might end up losing it at all and cause a lot of damage to your relationship.

Some knowingly or unknowingly take and change it to another state of energy sometimes negative to the existence of humans. If you take love and put something like disappointment it becomes completely negative. It will become anger. Anger has the same energy as love but this one has a negative influence on us. So love is wonderful but it is also dangerous if we don’t know what we are doing. The negative aspect of love (energy from anger and hate) is one of the most destructive powerful weapon on earth like nuclear energy.

You can take nuclear energy and use it to produce tremendous amount of electricity. You can convert it to produce mechanical energy and so forth. On the contrary you can also use it to destroy. So it all lies in our motive and that is why life is never about what or when or where. It is all about our motive. It is in our wiling power to deal with something. It lies in making our own choices.

Love is great and wonderful if you take it wisely and seriously. If you see it without selfishness and hate. Why people want to use their power to destroy other people? Because it is all about them in the name of protection and sovereignty. If we think for others and see how we can be helpful to others, we will choose to build not to destroy.

We all had the chance to use love, this tremendous amount of energy, to help others. We all need to see if we can convert it in to unselfish desire that is to serve. A love that doesn’t want to serve, to give and to humble itself unconditionally is not love at all.

How can we learn to relate. Despite the fact that words are subject
to interpretation?  How to care and listen to somebody’s feelings?  How to able to communicate?  What is friendship?  Where and how to start to relate to someone?  How to be there together?  

How to see yourself in somebody and them in yourself?  How does one know the nature and level of relationship with somebody?  Some relationships go smoothly while others get somewhere and suffer. Is there something like unselfish love in us? If so how do we have one and give one?  How to avoid madness in a relationship?  How to respect one another?  How to learn humility and self-control in a relationship?  Feelings are deceptive. But how? What could be the challenges in relationships?  

We can talk a lot almost about everything. Family and living together. When is the best time to have children?  When to start living together?  When to get married?  When to get engaged?  When to start living together?  How much we should spend for a wedding?  Is it really necessary to have a wedding at all?  Where to live happily ever after being married?  Whether family will live with us after getting married?  

But there won’t be enough time to exhaustively discuss everything at once. But as most of us will do, you will be able to learn and acquire more wisdom when you make your steps align with the will of God. 

I would like to finalize this article by asking one last important question. Can love be bought? I mean if you think you just did, you bought the wrong item. Love is innocently free for those who seek it with all their hearts. Why is there so much misery in the world today? It is due the fact that we don't know who to use this amazing gift from God, Love.

In conclusion, love is a great weapon in the hands of a person who has it. We need to know how to handle it and taking a good care of it. Love comes in many forms to us but still there is one true love. Only God is our true love. But he wants to teach us about love in many ways. As he is trying to speak to us one way or the other. Love is not superficial. Something that you just show-off. Learn from the originator and creator of love. He doesn’t force us to believe in him.

He doesn’t prepare a public demonstration on any issues regarding love. He is there still thinking how he can display his true nature according to our understanding. 

Praise the name of the Lord. He is worth of our praise. The Lamb of God deserve worship. He has taken our inequities. He has washed away our transgressions. Bless his name o his saints. We love and honor your name forever.


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If you are willing to give your life to Christ who is faithful to lead you through the rest of your life, we encourage you to pray this prayer and get back to us for more spiritual encouragement. Read More +

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Previous Comments: 2

Posted By:  fasika tekola
Saturday, February 7, 2015
I am thanking God about this wonderfull blog. It Makes me learn a lot about the word of God every single day!!!
Posted By:  Tewodros
Monday, May 4, 2020

Bless you fasik

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