The nature of our love and attention to our spouse is so self-centered that sometimes we might fall in to pits of disappointment every now and then. The word self-centered has to do with only me but not us and it always raises the question which has me in it. “Why don’t you tell me that?”, “What do you do for me?” etc.
As your draw your attention more into the boundaries of other people lives, you will do an error that you will just do one thing to mess around with it that it all happen because you are not just handling with care but with a lot of feelings that are not responsible and matured.
People tend to believe this behavior comes because they are so in love with their spouse and they want to put their feelings in to it. The more feelings they put the more mistakes they made to please one another.
Love is not just a bunch of feelings that will just say ‘I do this for you because I have a felling for you’ rather love is a commitment and bondage that will stay itself the same no matter what feelings you have for one another. Love only express himself in a more self-less and caring way.
Love is not the reason for you to be angry but your feelings are. Love is not the reason that makes you speak unwholesome word but your feelings are. Love will not say as it wants when it wants. Love will say what other people needed to hear.
Love is above any feelings that you have for one another since your feelings are just for a while but love is what will be with you till the end. So don’t trust your feelings. Rather use them to build love for your spouse.
I think we all agree that without those feelings there is no hint that you are in love. Those feelings are the passion of your life. The moment you stop feeling things when they just come towards you, that will be the last time you may ever see them. Our feelings are the burning fuels in all areas of our lives.
But we have to be sure that these feelings come from the Lord or the devil. When we have some thoughts that we put more emphasis on, they will soon turn in to a feelings and soon control our lives.
If we don’t control our feelings, they will control us and our lives.
Therefore, true love never cause harm to others but your feelings could do that if you don’t know how to manage them. There is always a problem when you let out of your feelings come out of anger instead of love. Relationships can be rough and intense sometimes when things in life becomes difficult to bear with.