To Love and to be LovedEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Feb. 15, 2014  Hits: 5,150   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Have you ever asked yourself one of the most difficult questions? What if they don’t like me any more? What if they gave up on me? What if somebody make them hate me? What should I do to be loved?

All this questions are of the fleshes. The question we all ask is being wanted and loved by someone who is special to us. We may not find the exact answer for this question. We may not find someone who always loves us no matter what unless the Lord himself loves us through another flesh like us. It is very hard to be in a strong long time relationship.

But one thing is true. We are not only made of flesh but of the spirit of the Lord. We are spiritual beings and children of God. Our things are not from this world which has a time for everything. We are eternal beings and we are going to partake an everlasting life. There we will no more dread the future and regret the past. There we will be one happy family. No one will accuse his brother of the wrong thing. Hence here we are filled with hope that is real.

So we only ask ourselves to be easy on others and they become easy on us. Love your brother as your self is a strong word. It is not only a way of life but it is also a commandment to abide by. It will make our lives a lot easier and our time here a lot enjoyable. So don’t have worries if you may not find a loving heart. There is always one who loves you most. His name is Jesus. His loves endures forever. He doesn’t change when other things around you change. But you have to give him a place in your heart.

That is all what he needs tonight to come to the place in your heart. You will find him gentle, loving and humble. There is nothing you need to hide from him. He already knows about everything that you have been through. He already knows that you are seeking for someone who cares back. He knows that you are in need of true relationship. He will lead you and guide you to the place you will be going. Where do you want to head over to, dear? Where do you want to go?

I don’t know if someone else will be there but he will be there with you all the way through. Jesus is your best friend, the Lord, your husband and your very own God. He is the best thing happened in my life. He is my life and he didn’t hide himself from me on my ups as well as my downs.

Only Jesus is going to heal broken heart through time. Sometimes we don’t know what will happen next. We have learned that we cannot trust any body in any ways unless the Lord helps us. It is so important that we let go sometimes. Revenge and judgment belongs to God. He knows everything and he knows how to pay back everyone according to his work.

The war is his. We have to pray for God to use us. While our eyes are watching God will defeat them all. I am also so focused in not involving in any form of wrong relationship not to disturb any body. God can use us to give hope for us and the people around us.

God bless you.


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