Challenges in marriageEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Aug. 10, 2015  Hits: 4,436   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Challenges at home are sometimes different than we face from outside. We usually don’t take an issue in a relationship that is from outside of our house very seriously.

People may tend to make us feel bad and disturb our feelings, but yet they are not always successful.If we noticed we do not have the option to create the same feeling inside the house as we do outside.

I also noticed that some people if you see them outside the house and if you see them inside the house, they are two different persons.

Why is this all happening to us sometimes?Is it because we don’t love the people outside the house as we love very much our own family.We all know we got so emotional when someone touch the one we love most.

We don’t even know how to act when it comes to our loved ones.We say things we shouldn’t say in our heart that will make God unhappy.We found ourselves in an argument all the time with loved ones.

We are insisting that we want them to have what we know is the best for them.We don’t want their bad days nor do we want to see them falling one day.Their problem is our problem.When they fail, we fail together as we succeed together.

There is no boundary between you and them.You cannot say, “It is up to them - Let them be whatever they want and we don’t care a bit about what their fate will be”.

God has attached their lives to our lives.I don’t have a special responsibility about the individuals I met outside my house other than the usual.

It is my desire that they too shall succeed in everything and it is my moral obligation to tell the right from the wrong, but I am not responsible for whatsoever actions they should take after that.

But there are people in my life that I need to get concerned about.These are my own flesh and blood. If they starve, I shall starve together.

If they have no food, I too am responsible for providing with their needs.I am responsible for their decisions also.It doesn’t matter that they are grown-up or little one.

I shall involve in their day to day activity and need to guide them take corrective actions.That is why God has called husbands the head of the house.Husbands are the delegated leader of the house.

And as a leader we need to sacrifice our will for them and our intentions have to be always for the good of the family.

God bless you!!


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