Love Management Part 2Edit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Apr. 10, 2014  Hits: 4,783   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Micah 7:5 -
Don't trust anyone, not even your best friend,
And be careful what you say to the one you love.
Sons refuse to respect their own fathers,
Daughters rebel against their own mothers,
And daughters-in-law despise their mothers-in-law.
Your family is now your enemy.
But I trust the Lord God to save me,
And I will wait for him to answer my prayer.

This is how the word of God describes how difficult life could be
In the last days Jesus teaches that a brother will rise against his brother
Knowingly or unknowingly we become enemies of each other
They will do anything that seems to solve their problem.
Sometimes we say in agony and bitterness of our soul,
How can I become this much ignorant?
Due to my sufferings I even forget to eat
What has made me laugh before is not funny anymore
The enemy is getting bigger everyday
How can a person like me fight with that on my own strength?
As for me my lamentations are my dinner
My tears are my drinks
I wait for God no matter how long it takes
In my problems I will wait for him
My own family has turned their backs on me
I don't know why
Now who can be trusted?
Whom shall I believe?
Then we lift our hands to God and pray,
Therefore I put my trust in the Lord
Where can I rest before coming to you Lord
My own house becomes my distress
Because of what is happening there
The enemy gathered around me and waited for my soul
They chocked me till my breath is finished in me
I know God, you see all that
I am calling your name and I know you will answer me
You will answer by fire and storm
I know you patiently wait until what you planned about them reaches
You don't leave your servant in the grave
I believe you Lord, Therefore I put my trust in you
I will make my enemies testify about my integrity
I will not envy their ways, rather I will follow you, my God
In everything they do to me, I will get revelation from you
The more they fight with me, I will be listening to your word more
This is one thing I will do, and I will do it for you, with you and by you
Weakness is our major enemy
Immaturity is our foe
Fear is what we need to fight every day
In revelation of God’s wisdom, we will walk in peace
Daily, we will seek his guidance
Surely, we will find God’s will
Honestly, we will serve him
With a brave heart, we will follow him
Whatever it is, we will not get out of his ways
However long it takes, we will see what we have lived to see
They say, "You will never learn how to pray till your child start driving"
We were weak and caught only by our own ways
Our own plans and motives become a deadly snare to our feet
Now when trouble comes day by day
And when we have no options but to turn our face to God, we begged him for guidance
Some of us are with so many burden and heavy responsibilities
Where shall we go in times of troubles?
All our instincts tells us we have to come to God
No one help us in times of trouble.
In fact they want us to fall and never to rise again

If you enjoyed reading this blog, please continue reading the next blog in the series: Love Management Part 3


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