Let’s say you have some unpleasant argument with your spouse and you feel discomfort in side and you want to go back to your previous state. Words cannot be unspoken. But feelings can be healed.
Make sure in any kind of arguments, you are not saying what you don’t want to say that makes you regret. If you did not offend your spouse during your conversation, there will be a good chance that you will have emotional healing from the words of others.
Rather than on focusing on the direct words that comes from your spouse, focus on the overall feelings and motive of your spouse. Don’t allow to develop a resentment and tendency to memorize the bad things that is spoken from your spouse.
If things got worse and your spouse try to say something bad to you, instead of saying the same bad things in revenge, try saying a kind and pleasant word. This will potentially help your spouse in becoming less aggressive and you may win them with love.
The key here is that you should have self-control and avoid any bad words come out of your mouth. The other key is to let things cool off by walking away from the situation. Jesus used to do that when he face angry crowd that wanted to stone him to death. He will just walk away from them and they couldn’t do anything. May the Lord give us the grace to just walk away from an angry spouse when things look bad!
God gives grace for the humble. He will strength you to do what he wants you to do.
Many problem arises when we also contribute in making the bad situation worse by continually fight against our spouse. If we do that, we not only hurt ourselves but also make them say bad things to us.
When a person is angry we never know what kind of spirit they are in to.
So to avoid what the devil can do to us, we should always avoid conflicts as much as possible
If they come to us with no way to retreat, then we should deal with them according to the wisdom that we learn from God that is to patiently and lovingly with all self-control we got and not anger and resentment and retaliation.