AccountabilityEdit Blog

By   Eskedar   Date Posted: Apr. 7, 2014  Hits: 4,879   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 1             A+ A-


I believe accoutability is very crucial in a Christians life. When one is surounded - so to speak- with famliy and friends the person's life is out in the open;and he/she becomes cautious in his/her Christian life. This will in turn help that individual to grow. Ofcourse, the person should be acountable to God first: thinking ' what would God think about this situation?' But I have found out that when you know that you are being watched, you work harder, act better and refrain from sinful deeds. In addition, familiy and friensd, admonish you, and also encourage you -whichI think is excellent because it makes youa better person. Although a Chrisitian person's life shouldnt be life like the celebrities in such a way that every little move is watched, a Christian should have fellow Chrstian friends to formulate accountablity.


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Previous Comments: 1

Posted By:  Tewodros
Friday, April 18, 2014
I have felt this experience myself before. We tend to be more cautious and more attentive to our work when our boss is around in such a way that we want to please him/her more which we think it can add a level of security to our job. Well this by itself is not a bad thing to do. What it is bad is if we are not doing what we suppose to do with the absence of our boss. Well that depends what kind of job we are doing and whether we can honor God doing our job. However I wonder if we could do the same things to our father in heaven. He is our father and God. We need to respect him and do what he tells us to do no matter what. His eyes are always on his children. He has given each one of a purpose or job we need to accomplish in this life. He also gave us a talent so that we may help others in our earthly responsibilities. Jesus told us that we need not to fear no one except God. We should respect our elders, bosses, leaders. But we need to fear God as he has the power to save and to kill. And not only that he has the power to redeem you from eternal death or not. So the point is compared to what a human can do to us, God can do so much more in everything. I am so much amazed by our fathers who understood this basic principle of life and honor him even if they come face to face with atoning fire, or when thrown in to a den of lions. They never hesitate for a second that they should honor the word of the king that can only kill but not burn in eternally fire, but they honor God who have the power to do both. And he was faithful to save them from their enemies. Praise the lord. God bless you!

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