Protect what you value mostEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Apr. 15, 2014  Hits: 4,495   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


There are some things in life that cannot be replaced. Somethings can be fixed easily but somethings do not. To live the most of life and be happy, we need to know the three most important things we need to protect and serve in respective order. Whether it is our relationship with God, family, parents, ministry, profession, career, education, business, investment and others, all these have a significant value and order in our lives.

When resources are scarce, we need to retreat back to at least two most important things in life; Faithful relationship to God and love and kindness to others especially who are very close to us, children, wife, husband, mom and dad who have no one but us to support them. This will create peace and security in us and the lives of others.

That is where you regroup, become strong and fight back. You are not going to win this battle alone. You are too weak to defend yourself alone without Jesus. Even our God who made everything by his own hands also created the institution of faith and family. God is the one who creates the value of family so whom are we to defile or redefine marriage.

Before the foundation of the earth, God was in his father-son relationship with his son. Before he brought forth the heavens in to existence, the Spirit of God was with him. So God was in relationship with his son and the Holy Spirit before anything. So we must share the same responsibility as our father by respecting the relationship with him and with others.

In this life we need to know that everything will not stay the same. Our feelings change, our strength changes, our resources change, our time changes, people change and we also change. All things will change to indicate that only God’s love for his children will never change.

The thing is when we are running out of hope, strength and power, when we are too weak just to continue with the pace of life, when we can no longer do things as we used to be, we need to stop and think which one of those things we need to sacrifice just for the sake of the kingdom of God.

The Bible teaches us that if we don’t love him more than what we love most, we are not worth to be his disciple. But if we sacrifice everything else for him, we will actually get them back hundred fold in this life.

A disciple is like a soldier. If a solider loves his family more than his country, he is not worthy to be a soldier. Why you asked? It is because he wouldn’t dare to leave them and fight in a battle that many go to die. In the same manner, a disciple of Christ has to be able to love the Lord more than his family and fight the good fight of faith preaching the gospel to the world.

So remember to protect and defend what you value most. If everything you fight for and spend your time, energy and resource has failed, remember that you still have a family that will love you the same. If everything goes bad in this life, remember you have a father that will open up his arm and embrace you in love.

I want to emphasize that God is faithful to strength you and give you wisdom to provide you the way out of any troubles you are passing in life. If we just hang in there with him and hold on to his promises that he will never leave us nor forsake us till he comes back, we will find resting place in this world and protection from what is about to come. Running away from our troubles is not the best way to solve them. Facing challenges will eventually solve them.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit give us wisdom to identify what are most valueable things in life and strengthen us to fight to keep them no matter how hard the enemy fight to destroy and devour us from our eternal blessing, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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