The love and respect for your wife/husbandEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Feb. 7, 2014  Hits: 5,242   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


You hypocrite, if you cant honor the covenant you have now, how can you honor God.
If you are treating others with out love in their innocence, what would you do to them when they do mistake? Do you need love or respect? I know now we say we love each other but respect is out of the equation. Do you want to express love in the right way? Then ask yourself the following questions. “Lord, do I ever speak on my own? Do I tend to please others more than you told me to?”

If we tend to do that we beg for your forgiveness. Love your wife and she will have the respect for you. That is to spend some time laughing with her. Love her in Gods way not your way. Every body is tired of selfish love. Where ever we go, there is too much selfish love. It is not pleasing any more.

That is not the only way you can attract her. You want to bring her closer to yourself. Treat her as your wife, part of your flesh. We need to learn from God how to love our wives or husbands and able to express it. The world is able to express their unreal love.
They are good at it to brag about it. But our mouth is shut when we come to expressing our deepest heart felt love. May be we don’t know how to express love each other. We don’t want to act but we don’t want also to hide our feelings for our soul mate.

Which one of us lighten a candle and put the light under the bed? We should show it to the world and it will brighten the darkest lives of those who haven’t found Jesus yet. What is tough now becomes easy latter. What is true now blurred and becomes sin latter. Sometimes resistance also works in the opposite very faster than we think. But let’s focus on the bright side for the time being. I mean we start talking and showing feelings we have for each other. That is something to start with.

We all know there is noting that will separate us. If God is with us nothing is against us. We have to know these things. We have to understand his will for our lives. Then, no evil force can destruct us.

Sometimes we fail to see God’s blessing in front of us. Every chance comes always with responsibility. There is nothing fascinating about it. Look what you have been through right now. This all could be for nothing. We have to be a good channel for God to use us for he will train us and change us as he wishes.

God bless you.


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