Love and Cherish today Edit Blog

By   Phoebe   Date Posted: Mar. 27, 2022  Hits: 1,079   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


There is salvation for everyone today, friends. For we do not know what will happen tomorrow. God only knows our future not us. He had all the answers of philosophy in life in the beginning, and even now! If you ignore his words, you will keep procrastinating  the good news. 

Speculate that you had everything you need and a 100 percent what will happen the next day and, Boom! It did not come as planned, and God will not appreciate that work you did. Today is a special day where you can do as planned and do as your desire can leap to but not understanding the future will not make it as that special as you think it is.

Make your free time today praising the Lord. God needs his glory on Sunday because the rest of the 6 days are for you.

Indeed, making God pleased is the key of understanding him and making him happy. Knowing that he is all powerful and has unfailing love, we can understand his love too!

This is the moral of the whole lesson. Like the title, I'll repeat it. "Love and Cherish for today". 





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If you are willing to give your life to Christ who is faithful to lead you through the rest of your life, we encourage you to pray this prayer and get back to us for more spiritual encouragement. Read More +

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