There is no one like our GodEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jun. 26, 2014  Hits: 4,710   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 1             A+ A-



God has tried to reveal himself to us in the past. He has used everything we know to show us his love. Every one we know is good to us because God have been kind to us. I come to realize even the great things we have in life was not good if it wasn t for God. Even the sweetest moments of our lives were created by him.


We had put our trust to love on somebody but God proved us wrong. God is our loving father forever. We would not find pleasure on our own. We could be blessed with many children. We could be blessed with a beautiful, wise and obedient wife. We could marry a noble man who fears the Lord in every aspect of his life.


But still he is the crown of our lives. He take all the glory and control our full heart. He is jealous God in a certain way we would understand. It is not a selfish jealousy. He is the Lord Almighty, the God of heavens and earth and he does not need anything from nobody. He is the creator and he does not envy anyone.


But whenever one knows love, he will come to understand jealousy of a certain kind. If one really love his wife or husband, would he/she be willing to share her with somebody else. Even sinners do not want to do that. Now God has allowed certain things to take control our lives.

When it comes to love, our full heart should be given to him. No money, education, friends, family, or any other thing has power over us to rule us. We shouldn t allow loving them as our God.


If we start to do that, we will fail. What will happen next is simple.

God will take them from us so that he can get our full attention. I mean if he loves us, he will do that for our benefit. All of them are not real. All of them are ways to understand his love for us. If somebody tells you that you got to use all your desires to be successful in life, don't believe it.


In other words, we might be successful but still we won t have God. There is no way we will find God by putting him second. After all, what good is it to us if we gain the whole world but lose our very soul? In other words to express this in light of love: What good is to gain everything but to lose the very thing your soul loves most.


If we don't love God from the beginning, I don't know what to say about that. But we are all forcefully taken out of his presence because of our sinful nature. We are stranded because we are disobedient sons and daughter of the Lord. What better thing is it to us that to get back to him and live with him?




There is no True love than the one who loves us first. God loves us by giving his son for us for him to be crucified and bring salvation to all of us. Do you know when Jesus dies on the cross; he dies trusting that we will be good one day?

When he took all the misery for us it was to show us how much he loves us and to redeem us from the wrath of God and eternal fire. But no one believed him that he was doing so. They considered him a sinful person.

That they even say the Lord is punishing for his own sins. They don't even consider him as worthy as a murder. They compare him with a murderer and like him not. Did he say anything about it? No. Did he complain to the father? No. Did he say why do you send me? No. Did he curse us in his heart? No.

He knew exactly what he was doing and did it accordingly.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with we all. In Jesus Name, AMEN!


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Previous Comments: 1

Posted By:  Tan Yeowhwa
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Yes, we must not put blessings of God in lieu of God Himself. Every blessings given are for our enjoyment , but never to replace His love and His will for us. Indeed none can take the place of God in our lives and in our destiny. May we remember this all the days of our lives and to live our lives pleasing to His name. Thanks for sharing, Brother Tedy Blessings always From Hwa Silverpen

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