Unconditional Love from the LordEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Mar. 26, 2014  Hits: 5,018   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


When God starts to talk to us, he talks loud and clear. There is nothing mysterious about his message

We need to realize that the way out of afflictions and strong bondage is absolutely from our side not Gods.

I believe there are different kinds of evil sprits that come to us to strip us from our grace. They come to us because they know our destiny is great. Thinking that, they have no options but to fight us while we are weak and unwise. That is what God s protection is always around us that they may not attack us forcefully or make us do what we don't want to do.

God is there for everyone to rescue and protect us from evil. But one thing has to be clear, as my life my witness, God power do not put in to work on our lives unless we surrender our lives to Jesus believing him he loved us first and he died for us while we are sinners.

The powerful thing about this statement comes at the end, while we are sinners.

Let me ask you a question, if you are a good person and if you are demanded to risk your life let alone give it away, will you do it for an innocent person or a cruel person? Think about it

For instance you are walking around outside your house and you saw a 5 years old child to be burned in a fire accident. Will you risk your life? Think about it. What about two years old kid on the way to be run-over by a track will you risk your life?

What about some other incident but the person in danger is we think a good person which you think is very important or will be important for the community or he is too young to die.

I think the answer to these questions is most probably yes unless we are really wicked. Now who do you think risk his life let alone giving it for the sake of a bad person s life in danger, honestly, the answer is NOBODY!

Romans 5:7 -For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. 8But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Forget about our lives but no one is willing to spend his time or money or energy on a bad person. That s why the story of the love of Jesus to his people is not exhaustively told. It is foolishness for many and unreasonable. No one really understands why. It is one of God s deep secrets which we shall know about it one day at time till the rest of our lives.

No one can make God happy except a praiseful and humble man. Look at Jesus and Moses and David, for example. They make God happy because their spirit was broken when it comes to respecting others and God. Jesus thought us to wash the legs of our friends and even if we want to be a leader, we have to first make sure we understand we are no better than those we serve.

It is only a matter of time and opportunity that one happens to be better than the others. There is nothing glorious about it, nothing fascinating! Imagine them in your place. What do we feel if somebody tries to brag about his skills and abilities? After all it is other people s effort and help that makes us who we are now. 

We didn t get it by ourselves. We used somebody s help. He is Jesus. So, Let us be kind to other and most of all, be humble in serving them. The other thing is be praiseful to God as you are humble to others. Praise gives God the power you might have received back to the real owner.

It is like money, he gave you in the first place so give it back without being overwhelmed by the amount. Praise gives the proper respect to the right person. Yes. Since God is the reason we have it, praise him back until we finally return our debts which in other words mean, until we die.

Praising God is like thanking human beings. You know how much men delighted when we say thank you in return to their service. How much more, God the creator of all would feel when he gets praise from his own beings.


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