True Worship without PrideEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jul. 25, 2014  Hits: 4,698   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


What made the devil the devil is his pride - taking true glory which of Gods to himself. That made him fall and changed a worshiping Angel in to a daemon. He compared himself to God and liked it and just allowed pride to sneak in to him. He took the moment to enjoy it for himself. That seriously made God very angry that he cast him down from an outstanding glory in to the darkness.

Isaiah 14: 13
You said in your heart,
‘I will ascend to heaven;
above the stars of God
I will set my throne on high;
I will sit on the mount of assembly
in the far reaches of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.

All other sins are mainly of weakness of the flesh but thinking of a place and praises like the most high God for yourself is an absolute sin. Be careful even when people thank you.

It took me several days to identify making the mistake of putting my self in a position above what I shouldn't be and feeling proud of my self. Holy Spirit, praise the Lord, told me the mistake I had made. The devil compared himself to God. He wanted to be taken as God. Likewise every non spiritual song also has the spirit of idolizing a creation rather than our Creator. The idea of these type of songs are written for a man glorifies woman and woman glorifies men. Our God is a jealous God; not in a negative way but in a way that will make him always truthful and God almighty.

You should not take credit for something you don’t deserve. You should not possess something that doesn’t belong to you. You should not own something that is not yours. You should not take something that is not given to you. Praise, honor, worship belongs to God almighty. God himself search for a proud heart and he will break that in to pieces. This is not to make us feel less confidence of our selves. This is to make us a better person. This is to make as humble and kind to others.

If God didn’t show any pity for his own son while he was on the cross, how much more should he punish us for something that we are simply proud of? For Jesus had only been punished since he carried our sins, but if we donot confess our sins, we are destined ourselves for eternal punishment. All we have to know is we are only humans full of weaknesses. We are weak in every area of our lives. We are weak in flesh, we are weak in spirit, and we are weak in our psychology. Our immunity to the illness of this world is apparently weak.

Our resistance to temptation is almost negligible. No one has successfully passed all the temptation of life except Christ Jesus. But Christ did it on the cross and he is now able to feel empathy (not sympathy) for us. What makes us stand against all our adversaries is this huge amount of wisdom and love in the form of the Spirit of the Lord. When we start to operate under the governance and the anointment of the Lord, we are no more weak but strong and mighty.

The strength of a person starts with identifying his/her weakness and feeling empathy for others. The fact that we remain in one sin for a long time is because we don’t acknowledge the one who has the power to deliver us from our sin. We are still trying to get out of it with our own strength and our own understanding. We are too proud to ask God for help.

The other reason we stay in bondage of sin is just because we didn’t complete the lesson that comes with it. We are not able to understand the fact that if we see somebody in the same situation, we have to extend our hand and offer help. We don’t feel pity for others who are in the same situation. We are judgmental about other people and their weaknesses. There could be many more reasons why we are still in bondage.

May the grac

of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit create a humble heart in us who would tremble when God speak to us for the fear of the Lord is in us and listen to him no matter what our circumstances look like, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

Isaiah 66 The Lord said:
Heaven is my throne;
    the earth is my footstool.
What kind of house
could you build for me?
    In what place will I rest?
 I have made everything;
that’s how it all came to be.
    I, the Lord, have spoken.
The people I treasure most
    are the humble—
they depend only on me
    and tremble when I speak.
You sacrifice oxen to me,
    and you commit murder;
you sacrifice lambs to me
    and dogs to other gods;
you offer grain to me
    and pigs' blood to idols;
you burn incense to me
    and praise your idols.
You have made your own choice
to do these disgusting things
    that you enjoy so much.
 You refused to answer
    when I called out;
you paid no attention
    to my instructions.
Instead, you did what I hated,
    knowing it was wrong.
Now I will punish you


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