Personal TestimonyEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jul. 6, 2015  Hits: 3,506   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


In this personal testimony, I would like to share a few of my personal experiences with Jesus and how Jesus never leaves me nor forsakes me when I was in trouble. It is a living testament, which is written on my heart by the power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of my God and my Lord Jesus Christ. This can be taken as evidence that he can be trusted at all times. He came at last when everything I had and everything I could possibly think of was gone. But He was never late. He is on time all the time. Here I will mention a few instances of how He came late and resurrected my dead life with his miracles.

1. When I was close to death because of my illness at 8th grade, he healed my full body and gives me a second chance.

2. When I was drowning and almost dead in the deep waters, he resurrects me. When I thought my life had surely ended, he rescued me.

3. My ninth grade second semester result was totally amazing. I was weak at first, but later I stood second.

4. When I was weak and can’t even study well at the end of my high school education, God helped me pass the national exam to join the top rated University, when people think I couldn’t make it, my life has changed since then.

5. When I initially score low grades in first year college classes, I almost forget about my education, but he had changed me and gave me victory about that.

6. When I was two years late, everybody thinks it was a total waste of time until they saw I graduated with distinction in a nice department.

7. When I joined CS, my point was not good enough, but he made me join anyways.

8. When I joined the master program in Ethiopia, I was able to register one month passed the registration date.

9. When I got a job. When I got visa when I got this and that's when everybody forgets about me and I was about to lose everything.

10 .Jesus has completely healed from a migraine that has lasted for so many years.

11. Jesus has heard my prayer to heal my mom from her asthma conditions

12. Jesus has healed me from a birth condition that no doctor has no solution for the problem

13. Most of all, Jesus Christ has completely healed me from the sin of immorality that had tormented me for so many years that I couldn’t even count. The point is he is still faithful to put you where you need to be in the eternal plan of God, so no worries. So the smallest thing, but the most important thing expected from us is to stay in our place and wait for him to come and change our story. No problem is too big for God to solve. Our issues in life are not different than He has already solved in peoples' lives. The Bible tells us that we are not going to be tempted beyond our capacity.


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