Sinful DesireEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Apr. 17, 2014  Hits: 5,290   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


When one convinces himself in following his own selfish desire and seeks one's own pleasure without the permission of the Holy Spirit, he/she couldn’t remember anything at time of trouble. The thought of sinful desire is an idea overwriting and overwhelming the good ones from the Spirit of God. Such kind of person has no common sense and the sense of self-control. Anger, disappointment, fear and hate can steer this up from the inside. Faith, hope and love are its enemies.

At the point one left with this flamable, agitated, aggravated, serious, all emotional, physical, uncontrollable, unthinkable feeling, lust and selfish sexual desire that couldn’t stop until somebody do something about it. The book of proverb describes such kind of person as someone who lacks wisdom.

Proverb 5:1-My son, if you listen closely to my wisdom and good sense, you will have sound judgment, and you will always know the right thing to say. The words of an immoral woman may be as sweet as honey and as smooth as olive oil. But all that you really get from being with her is bitter poison and pain. If you follow her, she will lead you down to the world of the dead. She has missed the path that leads to life and doesn’t even know it.

My son, listen to me and do everything I say. Stay away from a bad woman! Don’t even go near the door of her house. You will lose your self-respect and end up in debt to some cruel person for the rest of your life. Strangers will get your money and everything else you have worked for. When it’s all over, your body will waste away, as you groan and shout,

“I hated advice and correction! I paid no attention to my teachers, and now I am disgraced in front of everyone.” You should be faithful to your wife, just as you take water from your own well. And don’t be like a stream from which just any woman may take a drink. Save yourself for your wife and don’t have sex with other women. Be happy with the wife you married when you were young. She is beautiful and graceful, just like a deer; you should be attracted to her and stay deeply in love.

Show me how anyone could easily murder his brother through jealousy or out of a sudden, sleep with somebody's wife or why family got separated and I will show you where it is. The answer all lies in one word - pleasure.Tell me how Christ defeated the world through pain and agony and faithfulness. Teach me all about it and I will win my battles. Paul and Jesus can teach you about it, hiding from it, the wines, the shoes, clothes, fame, pride, arrogance.

No matter how good and kind and polite you were in the daytime still there is something that will search your heart and visit you to test you at night. Some days they say are wicked and some days are good like some people can posses good and others wicked.

Can anyone live without some form of amusement without seeking pleasure? The thing is all about self control and knowing how much you should take it inside. Addiction (loosing self-control) to cigarette, drink , TV, pornography, drugs, shopping and many more have the power to rule over us as long as we live in this flesh.

"I gave them up to their own selfish burning desires since they have rejected me." the Lord says. The punishment of love is the punishment of all. God is leaving us to our own desires. Whose desire? Our own - coming out of our own flesh, heart and mind. Can he interfere with that? No one will come to that place.

It is a great place of battle with all the negative forces of flesh, heart, and mind. God will turn them on to you. They rebel against you. They curse you, wish your own fall. But why somebody especially God wants us to fall in to them?

God has power over each one of the

e addictions. But he wants you and me to come to him first, makes him our first in every
hing. I am not talking about the blessings that we can get if we do some things he told us to do. I am talking about diseases, incurable ones that take along all the way till we wither and die.

Every one of us will experience these weaknesses in one form or the other if we don't turn our eyes on to the Lord. Some carry them at their back for 40 years even though they are children of Abraham. Healing is one of the blessings of God for his children. The Bible says Jesus saw them and he feel pity for them and he healed them all.

I don't know why for some reason people are too proud to come to Jesus
They prefer to die in their stubbornness than to come to him and heal them. 
I remember a man who used to be smart and gentle long time ago before he went in to all kinds of trouble. Can you imagine how those all at once fade away in just one instance? All the sparking eye and glittering face has gone.

Once the devil has control on this person at one point in his life. Devil does what he wants to do when he wants to do without his permission. But then things changed a little bit and the devil started to do what he wants to do when he wants to do with his permission.

So really what is pleasure? What does it mean pleasing one’s self? It has some elements of personal, emotional, sexual, mental, physical satisfaction. It is all about me until God appears and said it is a disgrace in his eyes even if the whole nation agrees it is a normal thing to do.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us not in to temptation of the flesh and free our soul from the burning desires of this world, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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