The Almighty God Saved Us From our sinEdit Blog

By   Phoebe   Date Posted: Oct. 2, 2022  Hits: 1,040   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


 Hi friends! Today I want to share something awesome. Did you know that a single mistake can make a complete disaster? In fact, when Adam and Eve made the first sin, sin enters in to the world. That's why the bible says, "Everyone is a sinner".

We know that everybody sins but some of us really try not to sin and that's great. No matter how many mistakes you make and believe in Jesus, you will inherit the kingdom of God. But if you on purposely lie or sin just because of fear, it's bad. But don't worry. I make the same mistakes too!

Just like one sin caused disaster to the whole world, one man who was pure and righteous saved the world so that we could be forgiven and have eternal life. However, we need to obey His laws so that we can be righteous. Although how hard we try, we cannot be saved by our works. We still need to believe in Jesus Christ. 

In conclusion, the Almighty God saved us from our sin since we couldn't save our selves.


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