Faithfulness to the Lord Part 4Edit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Apr. 2, 2014  Hits: 5,582   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


You need to control those habit you and God know that you know it is not good. Devil may even try to convince you that it is ok to do it.

I know the poor who cannot afford to eat good, quality food will make it to heaven. But I don't know some immoral people would. So fight immorality in general. Immorality is the source of all addiction.

Immorality is the source of all addiction.

And control your feelings. You cannot do righteousness with your feelings. But we can achieve that through endurance in faith and hope, through LOVE for one another and faithfulness to the Lord.

Dont try to put yourself higher than anybody else. don't allow also any one to put your feelings down. That is called dignity and self respect and fighting for your freedom. But even if you have found

some one who violates this, please don't take it as his original idea.

All evil thoughts come from one source and fight your problems from the source. Instead of hating that person, try to change him through Holy Spirit. I know this looks like war instead of life. But what is life?

Life is not just only eating and drinking. No, it is more than that.

Life is all about being faithful to God and humbly obey his instructions. Life is to faithfully wait the kingdom of God for it shall come soon. I have asked my self many times which one is greater: LOVE or FEAR of the Lord? Work or righteousness through Christ? Is there any righteousness we gain with out Christ? No. There is no other means of doing our own salvation.

Salvation comes through believing God that he has sent his son to redeem us from sin. But faith is dead with out work. So we have to believe and do our righteousness. It is not like some kind of religion that we should only do one thing after another and have no faith. But to do what we have to do and to leave the rest to God.

In fact to humbly lower ourselves under his feet after we have completed our job. We have to say to him, "Here I am your servant." We need to learn one more thing with the rest of our lives.
That is to fear God and work out own righteousness through Christ. We need to do this with out leaving the original instruction that is to LOVE the Lord.

It is not as if LOVE is not complete but it is because we did not understand the full meaning of it. Some where in the definition of LOVE, we got lost and we miss some basic concept like to fear the Lord. Now just in case we want to give another name for a full LOVE - It is called faithfulness.

If an angel, or a human teach us anything other what the scriptures tells us about faithfulness, let it be a curse. These are some of the words of Jesus before he goes to the father. I believe you see some faithfulness in it.

"I have brought glory to you here on earth by doing everything you gave me to do" - So he did everything he needs to do to glorify his father.

Believe me or not, every thing we did either will glorify God or Satan. So choose wisely whom you want to glorify before you decide what to do next. Everything we do makes us the son of God or of the Devil.
Jesus wants to do his purpose that the world knows that he LOVES his father - Showing his love by work.

Other wise LOVE is dead without work, as faith is dead with out work and as hope is dead with out work. Otherwise how can the world know that he LOVES his father? How can the enemy know that he LOVES his father?

So he took this very painful moment of grief and destitution as a great opportunity to express his LOVE. You know when we speak words like I LOVE God, we should proof it that we do.

There is no true LOVE other than the LOVE of God expressed in Christ Jesus. So every other LOVE is selfish LOVE and it is a deceiving LOVE. Therefore it cannot be proofed to be a true. The Lord confirms true LOVE in our spirit.

Every desire of human is wicked but we don't understand that until we get hurt or make some one hurt. But one thing is still true. If we humbly obey our God and fear him, that will show we have true LOVE for God and for one another. This is what the bible call faithfulness.
"If you LOVE me", Jesus said, "Keep my commandments."

There is no LOVE with out sacrificing our selves for the Lord as burning offering. He has no desire for burnt offering of lambs and bulls any more. Instead he has prepared a body for us so that we shall continually offer ourselves as a burning sacrifice.

That is to desire God with all our heart and do his will and not ours.
We thank you Holy spirit for bringing up these serious of lessons that will draw us closer to the father and make us able fighting the good fight of faith.

Glory and honor belongs to God and may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with faithful love, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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