Would You Change?Edit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Feb. 21, 2014  Hits: 4,899   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 1             A+ A-



Would you change?
If you know that you have only one day left to live
If you realize you are going to see his face soon
If you knew love can change your heart when you are so depressed
How many loses and how much regret makes you fall in love again
How bad and how good does it need to get to make you regret 
What is that you want that makes you forgive and forget
How inspires you to change
What makes you change
Would you change
There is nothing wrong with the past as long as you are willing to change
Would you be willing to seek the truth behind your sorrows
There is a reason for everything that has happened on your life
God had a purpose when you think he breaks your heart
That is all you need to forget all your miseries
God will eventually will reveal everything you need to know
Everything you think you know till now makes your life unbearable
Would you change? You need to change 
That s all you can do to beautify your future
Change and see how merciful and gracious he is
Change is the instrument of God s love
Unless we seek his face everyday it will be impossible to change
Change and see the endless mercy that God has for you
What does it take to change?
Isn’t it just a little bit of broken heart and repent
Isn’t it worthy to save our soul by giving up all our foolishness and pride
Repent all your sins under his feet
He will show mercy and you will see he is full of compassion 
He will show you another way of life
He will make you forget the bad things that has happened in your life 
He will give you a new start and a new beginning 
He has already shade his blood and broke his flesh for all of us  
He will comfort you and give you a new heart 
He will hold you and embrace you in love if you come to him 
He will never leave you nor forsake you 
He will take care of you and treat you with kindness  
Our Lord is abundant in mercy and love 
He will forgive the wickedness of our heart 
Instead he will fill us with kindness and love 
He will give us a new heart and a new spirit that will carry his love 
He will renew our mind so that we will understand his compassion  
He is kind for those who turn from doing evil and seek his face all the time 
His anger is for a while but his mercy is for generations 
He will not abandon us as children whose parents abandoned them 
Even there may be a time for a mother to forget all about her children
God will never leave you nor forsake you in Jesus Name!


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Previous Comments: 1

Posted By:  Tan Yeowhwa
Friday, February 21, 2014
Brother Tedy, thanks for sharing this beautiful and meaningful poem. God is always waiting for us to change into the image of Jesus.

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