The Prodigal SonEdit Blog

By   Phoebe   Date Posted: Sep. 26, 2023  Hits: 654   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-



The Parable of the Prodigal Son, found in the New Testament Gospel of Luke (Luke 15:11-32), is a timeless story of forgiveness, redemption, and the boundless love of God. It resonates deeply with individuals who have experienced waywardness, repentance, and the hope of reconciliation.


The parable begins with a father who had two sons. The younger son approached his father, requesting his share of the inheritance. In this culture, such a request was essentially telling his father that he wished he were dead. Despite the painful request, the father divided his property between his two sons, giving the younger son his share.


The younger son then embarked on a journey to a distant country, where he squandered his inheritance in prodigal living—wasting his wealth on reckless living and worldly pleasures. However, a severe famine arose in that country, leaving him in desperate circumstances. He found himself feeding pigs and longing to eat the food they were given.


In his moment of desperation, the younger son came to his senses. He realized that even the hired servants in his father's house had more than enough to eat, while he was starving. With humility and repentance, he decided to return to his father, acknowledging his unworthiness and seeking a position as a hired servant.


As the prodigal son returned home, his father saw him from a distance and ran to him with open arms. He embraced his wayward son, kissed him, and ordered a celebration, declaring, "For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found."


The older son, who had remained obedient and faithful, became resentful when he heard about the extravagant celebration for his younger brother's return. He questioned his father's actions, feeling that he had not been similarly honored despite his faithful service.


The father responded to the older son, emphasizing that his love and compassion for the younger son were due to the son's return from a life of sin and recklessness. He reassured the older son of his love and reminded him that everything the father had was his.


The Parable of the Prodigal Son illustrates several profound truths. Firstly, it exemplifies the boundless love and forgiveness of God. The father in the parable represents God, who eagerly welcomes repentant sinners back into His presence, celebrating their return with joy.


Secondly, it emphasizes the transformative power of repentance and humility. The prodigal son's recognition of his sinful condition and decision to return to his father serve as a model for true repentance.


Thirdly, the parable addresses the danger of self-righteousness and pride. The older son's attitude highlights the need for humility and a right understanding of God's grace.


In the broader context of Jesus's teachings, the parable illustrates the central theme of redemption and the Kingdom of God. It conveys the message that God's mercy extends to all who turn to Him in repentance, regardless of their past.


Throughout history, the Parable of the Prodigal Son has touched the hearts of countless individuals, reminding them of God's unconditional love and the possibility of forgiveness and reconciliation. It continues to inspire believers to turn to God with contrite hearts and to extend grace and forgiveness to others.




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