Faithfulness to the Lord - Part 3Edit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Jan. 4, 2014  Hits: 5,066   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


When people curse and despise you and humiliate you, it is good to remember that they did the same with the Lord. You are not better that the Son of God. If they can say and do such evil things to Him, how much more they can do to you? Stay away from people like that.

Some people come to test you. Some are to hammer you. Some are to refine you. So don't withhold yourself from all people. But some come to destroy you. When a computer program is written some other program is also written that looks like the first one. But the purpose of the second program is to make sure the first one does what it is supposed to do. We call such programs a test program.


So are some people to the others. Their main job is to make sure others do what they are supposed to do. I am not talking about managers or CEOs. Managers do not care about your God's given purpose. I am talking about other people who came across just by chance.


Saul was a test for David. If Saul was not there in the Bible, there would not be David's poems. At least David would not have written those beautiful songs to the Lord if he hadn't passed through those issues in life.


Also, when people fall out of their God given purpose, they will be a test for God's servant. Even evil exist to proof that Good exists. I believe God made light first. I believe there was only good at the beginning.

I believe God does not take delight in seeing evil in this world. But how can one know the good without knowing evil? I believe God doesn't create evil, but whenever there is light there will be darker too.


This idea was proposed to Eve by the Devil through the serpent.

But then she could have asked God boldly without any fear in her heart that she wants to see the evil also. She knew how to ask. She would have asked him face to face. But she knew other ways to do it and she knew it was not the right thing to do.


If she had wanted to do it in the right way, she would have asked God for another kind of revelation - To know not only good but also evil. But she did it with disobedience. I believe this is why we must complete our lives with obedience. She broke the agreement that her family had made with God. She became unfaithful.


This is not to condemn her at all as she was not the original creator of this idea but the devil is. God became angry as he was betrayed. He said, "Get out of my kingdom and, get out of my presence and my face."


But he hasn't said with the intention that he has made an eternal enmity between him and us as he does with his kingdom and the devil's kingdom. For that he promised Adam and Eve that he will send his son, Jesus Christ, in the fullness of time to restore the relationships he had with them in Eden.


That is why you should never trust any source. Never hate anyone for any reason. People say something that is not their original idea. There was a famous quote, "I do trust you, and it is the devil inside you that I don't trust."


Sometimes I believe as the Devil is the real enemy of God, why God want to destroy some wicked people with him also. But still I am the pot and I have no right to ask such questions to the potter. I am the created and he is the creator. My life is like a wind that blows away in a moment. 

But you don't take back what hurt you most with an embrace.
That is the real problem of Christianity today. Not be able to understand what the story about the vagabond/disobedient child.

I mean the whole idea of the new Christianity was made in that chapter. That God is merciful and he is abundant in grace. He will forgive whatever sin, we have. We shall always come to him. Now this makes us addicted to sin. But we need to understand the last line of the paragraph. That Jesus told the prostitute women that not to sin again. And also as of the disobedient child just humbles himself so much that he thought to himself:


"I don't deserve anything any more. I have wasted my life. I have spent my grace with sinners and by doing evil. I don't deserve to be called a son anymore. My strength has gone to work to make someone rich. Starvation is going to kill me in this place. The evilness of this place is huge and I cannot take it any more. My whole dignity as a human being is gone. Everyone is considering me like some other creature. But I will turn to my father. He is rich and kind, I know that for sure."

Then the father saw his son coming to him giving up all his own way of thinking turning to him with all his heart, he embraces him and kiss him and welcome him into his presence. With disobedience and selfishness that is what he said before he leaves his father; give me my share.

Also the book of Joel teaches about turning to God with all our heart. Without that there is no forgiveness and we are simply wasting our time. May be we got a little bit grace.

There is a measure of forgiveness as there is for LOVE. Sometime we have received forgiveness just to come out and go back safe to our home. Sometimes it is far more time like a month. And we know it too. When that duration expires, we sin again.

How to get forgiveness for life? Some are for a lifetime, but not eternal. This is like God will feed you, bless you and LOVE you but until you die. After you die, there is no remembrance of your name. This is cool teaching about why LOVE is, more than anything in life.

Think of for yourself, would you marry what you don't LOVE?
If you do, you never heard of the kind of LOVE that is in the scriptures that is Gods Love - a true love and faithful one. That is why God doesn't welcome anyone to his kingdom that has no love for him and his son. That is because they never believed what God has done for them through Christ Jesus.

We hate addiction in general. It is like some external force governing our lives. It is the one who created us should control us and no one else. Addiction is like a tong in the mouth. Like a fish is captured in bait or a bird in a cage. Whatsoever thing we do, we are just circling around that same orbit. We are addicted to sin because we relentlessly depend on the grace of God.

Now we have come into a position we cannot control that. We can't control ourselves any more. What needs to be controlled first and most important is not your clothing habit or your eating habit and your talking habit.
You need to control those habit you and God know that you know it is not good. Devil may even try to convince you that it is ok to do it.

I know the poor who cannot afford to eat good, quality food will make it to heaven. But I don't know some immoral people would. So fight immorality in general. Praise God!



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