The Fear of the Lord: The Art of WarEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jul. 2, 2014  Hits: 5,204   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Until the enemy takes everything from us, we waited. He took life from us like a wolf that snatches and takes away. Why all this happened? Is it not because we are not acknowledging the shepherd that God given us properly?

The war has to be fought boldly and with a lot of courage. No more cry, no more fear and no more disappointments. For God is with us and if he has been with us all this time, he will continue to help us.

There is no way we will escape some temptations with out fighting.The question is do we prepare our selves for the spiritual fighting?Soldiers in the physical realm have to go through a lot of training to qualify for combat.

Whether it is a war where soldiers fight in battle fields or whether it is on individual basis, God is looking for real soldiers here, those who will not turn their backs and run. He needs some who can fight with desire. Not out of external obligation but out of real cause and out of real problems they have. And God will help them go through the battle and defeat their enemies.

I cannot mention all of the territories the enemy has gained from us. He has broken boundaries and he has trespassed territories that belong to us.The enemy has taken away our families as captivates. Our children are now slaves to the enemy rather than bringing joyful songs to the Lord. Would you, God, care one more time to help us and help us in regaining our strength?

Help us Lord, to build the homes and villages that the enemy destroyed.Help us in getting back our families from the hands of the enemy before time. Believe it or not war is going on now in the spiritual realm. The intention of this war is to deprive God 's people from what God has already promised.

God has put many blessing in the scriptures for us. But these blessings will not come to us until we get up on our feet and start to do what it says. Obedience is what it all takes to get there.Some of us do not want to obey because our own ego comes to play.

Selfishness is all we are thinking about all day. Some are testing the Lord if his promises are not going to come to pass.But God as he is our father has already made available everything we possibly imagine as good healthy earthly father will think in the positive manner to promote the growth of his children.

God has already promised the same thing for us even much better than our earthly fathers. Why are we not listening then?Why all these miseries and pain? Isn't it because of our stone heartedness. God cannot penetrate through that unless we open it for him. We must pray that may God give us an obedient and kind heart, that we may listen to him and pray to him all the time and do only what he tells us to do.

The Scripture has put a remark as how God's people are going to suffer not because of the strength of their enemies but because of their disobedience to God s law.Here are some of the curses the Lord himself will bring on disobedient children found on Deuteronomy 28:

The Curses:

No matter what you try to accomplish, the Lord will confuse you, and you will feel his anger. You won t last long, and you may even meet disaster all because you rejected Lord.

The Lord will send terrible diseases and you will never be well again.You will suffer with burning fever and swellings and pain until you die some where in the land you captured.

The Lord will make the sky above like a bronze roof that keeps out the rain and the ground will be as hard as iron. Your crops will be scotched by the hot east dust and sandstorms instead of rain.

The Lord will let you be defeated by your enemies. You will be a horrible sight for other nations to see. The Lord will make you suffer diseases

that have no cure for you.

You will become insane and go blind. The Lord will make you so confused that you cannot tell the night from the day. For the rest of your life, people will beat and rob you, and no one will be able to stop them.

The woman that you are engaged to will be raped by enemy soldiers before you even got married. You will never get the chance to live in the house that you have built. You will never get the chance to enjoy the fruits of your first harvest. Your cattle s will be killed while you watch and no body will even say why?

Your children will be slaves in foreign countries while you stand there being helpless. You will work hard but everything you have worked for will be for the enemy.

What you see will be so horrible that you will go insane. People will laugh when they see your terrible troubles, and they will make fun of you. You will plant a lot of seed but gather a small harvest, because locusts will eat your crop.

Foreigners will be so wealthy and powerful, while you become poor and powerless. You will be so short of many that you will have to borrow from those foreigners. They will be the leader and you will be the follower in your own community.

The Blessings:

The Lord will make your businesses and your farms successful. You will harvest large crops, and your herds of cattle and flocks of sheep and goats will produce many young.

You will have many children. You will have plenty of bread to eat. The Lord will make you successful in your daily work. The Lord will make you defeat your enemies and make them scatter in all direction.

The Lord your God is giving you the land. Your harvest will be so large and your store house will be full. You will be God s special people and every one earth will know it and they will be afraid of you.

The Lord will open the store houses of the skies where he keeps the rain, and he will send the rain just at the right time. You will have plenty of money to lend to other nations but you won t need to borrow yourself. You will be wealthy and powerful, not poor and week

The above curses listed are not easy to swallow. They may look superficial and out dated but they are real and they still work on our lives. They are the ones who are making a loser. The solution to all of these diseases is simple and clear. It is to fear the Lord and humbly obey his instructions.

The law is not difficult to understand. We must LOVE God and stay faithful to him on any circumstances. We must always seek the council of the Lord and lean not on our understanding. And last but not least we must do to our neighbor the same thing that we expect from him. The first law tells us about loving the lord with all our heart, our thoughts, our mind, our body.

We must respect and LOVE him with all our sprit, our strength, our passion, our desire, our purpose and it must be our pleasure to serve him. The second law is about loving our brothers and sister in every way possible and taking a good care of them in a time of trouble.

The war doesn't begin when the enemy comes and takes all of our belongings and run. The war sometimes is fought and defeated even before they come to do what has God put in his word as a curse on disobedient children. At that time, we may cry bitterly or even try to fight back but still we will be defeated.

I don't know why sometimes we don't like to fight. This world is all about one thing and that is fighting. The enemy has taken many things from us in the past. He has taken our family, our profession, our passion, our protection, our joy and happiness. May be our beloved ones and may be more.
And how do w

respond to that? With anger to God and ourselves

Our anger on God and ourselves leads to the same kind of sin over and over again. Since while we were little children, we lost many things. Since we come to this earth, the enemy has caused us a lot of trouble. He has made so many abuses in our lives and the lives of our family. If it continues like that, only God knows what the enemy will do next. After all as we all know his motive is always clear.

And that is to break the strong LOVE bondage between us and God through Christ Jesus. Shall we live up to that? Shall we sit back and look while he brings everything to separate us from the LOVE of Jesus.

He has showing progress every time he attacked us. Like a left alone sheep wandering in the wilderness, he finds us fun to play with. Most of our inward anger and not towards sin and the spirit of sin makes his job easy.

It is good to have anger since that is the reason why we want to steer up fight. Anger when accompanied with wisdom and LOVE is like a fuel to burn every evil thought and disobedience. Will you fight? Or will you die many years from now in slavery and in bondage. What makes you not to get up from your place and go out to the battle field?

Most probably fear is the cause of all of these. Fear of the enemy and what he has already done in our lives. May be we are waiting for the right time?  The time has come when you have to stand up and fight:

Fight for your freedom!
Fight to resist every temptation and evil!
Fight to raise the flag of righteousness up!
Fight not to bow down to sin!
Fight to make God known among nations and generations to come!
Fight now, fight for your freedom!
Don t have mercy for the enemy!
Don t have any hesitations in your heart!
Be strong and courageous!
Be bold and brave hearted!
Fight and that is an order from the lord!

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit gives us the courage to fight sin, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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