Who is Controlling Our Lives?Edit Blog

By   fasika   Date Posted: May. 29, 2014  Hits: 4,589   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Some people one way or another try to control us by imposing their own idea or try to make us do what we don't want to do. One good example is when Saul did what he didn't want to do by forcing himself to offer sacrifices that was not his duty in the first place.

"I thought, 'Now the Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal, and I have not sought the Lords favor.' So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering." - 1 Samuel 13:12

But when David was come face to face with his fellow soldiers and when they tried to kill him out of anger, he found a way out of their furiousness by mentioning the name of God.

David knew God and he knew when he should call his name especially in times of problem. I mean look at all of the songs, the songs of praise, worship and prayer. Where is Sauls song? Not I know. So any ways when some who seem to have power over us but don't, come to control us, let us think only one thing that is no one has control over us unless the Lord himself give to them.

So even if they have designated power over us, it is not compared to the Lord's power. Their delegated power has nothing compared to the Lord's. Their operations are overridden by the Lord. No one should make us do what we don't want to do unless the Lord revealed his purpose for us.

Not in the name of love not in the name of power. I believe there are two kinds of powers, the power of LOVE and the power of authority (somebody or something ruling over us with or with out our will).

Kids like one and hate the other. But we would rather be under the power of LOVE than authority. We all want the power of LOVE. So when someone uses power out of LOVE it is different from power out of authority.

The power from authorities is not always abusive. Sometimes it is for our benefit and to probably something good for us. Parents use both types of power to direct and discipline there children. The Bible also specifically tells us to subdue ourselves under authority that he has delegated.

Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. -Romans 13:5

But the main thing is we shouldn't let any power on earth or under the earth or above the earth to make us do what the Lord doesn't want us to do. Is it love? Not any more. Is it Family? Not any more. Is it principalities and authorities? Not any more. Angels? No. So in other words, I am talking about power, authority, control and fear.

So fear none of these but fear only God. Let us understand that the ruler ofthe world is money and how can we bow down to money. In other words the maximum bad thing that can happen to us if we do not do what the world wants is we might not eat their food and drink their water.

Besides, our God is the God of every prosperity and abundance. Don't fear anything under the earth or above the earth except God almighty. Satan or his angels are not to be feared. What has evil to do with good? What has darkness to do with light?

Don't follow any of his plans or evil ways because all his will for you is death. He will come to the person he has successfuly decived and defeated and whisper , "I got him, didnt I? Now I will be glad when every piece of the body is burnning because it is mine." This is the words of the devil for all those who follow his schemes and evil advice contrary to the word of God.

On the contrary, the words that comes of our Lord Jesus Christ is everlasting hope, peace and love. He has promised to us that he will never leave us nor forsake us and give us victory when he comes back to take us. Glory be to him forever and ever. Amen!


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