You are my God in whom I trust mostEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Feb. 26, 2014  Hits: 5,471   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


In those days when we feel weak and tired, we may feel that we are the only ones thinking and worrying about others. Well, I guess that is not true. I believe there is someone for us. I believe that our family prays for us.

But at this defining moment of our lives that we need some kind of motivation and support, we may feel like we are left alone. The Spirit of the Lord always visits us at down and looks for us at dusk. Without him, we are like dust that is waiting to blow away by the wind and just disappear.

"Still With all I can do, without you, I am a child who lost his way

Still With all I can do, without you, life is a wound that won't heal

Still With all I can do, without you, life is a song with no hymn

Still With all I can do, without you, I wouldn't be here today

Still With all I can do, without you, we are like an actor on stage " - by Kirk Franklin

We can't live without you father. You are all we are and we will live to be. Your breath is our spirit, your hands made us. You know us by name; you care for us day and night. So we have nothing to worry.

You warn any person that will try to harm us. You engrave our name in your palm. So you wouldn't forget us. You will protect us from the great danger as long as we put our trust in you. You alone is our protector, we wouldn't t trust nobody else. You are the only trustworthy Lord.

We wouldn't t say to ourselves that we have great knowledge and education so we will use it to support ourselves the rest of lives. We wouldn't t also say to our selves that we have a lot of treasure and speak to our soul, "enjoy, drink, eat, there is enough money for you for a very long time".

Our education will never be enough to support us or our family. What we have now cannot be enough for so long. Even if we have so much treasure accumulated that will suffice the rest of our lives and put it in a safe place that no one will still it, the thief of your lives is waiting to take it from us this night. And soon enough we cannot eat what we have toiled for a long time.

All great men and women failed at one time of their lives but they got up and they managed to be straight with God once more again. Some made God so angry and died so soon. Some worshiped idols at the very end of their lives.

The truth is God doesn't t care how wise we are or how wonderful we sing a song. But he cares deeply if we make sure all the time that our path is straight with him. A little bit of carelessness or a little bit of anger or something we do to please us while others suffer or something silly we say that breaks the heart of others, something we think that underestimate God's power and protection in our lives, will make us fall indeed!

He will let us fall and he will show us what we did was really unpleasant in the eyes of God. David tried to enjoy himself while his men were falling in battle. He went to battle many times but that day he chose to stay at his palace and make himself happy. I see a little bit of carelessness in that. And carelessness grew to laziness and then in to irresponsibility and then into bigger sin that what we saw from David's Life.

Solomon chose to entertain his soul with accompany of many beautiful girls at his old age. He was so taken away by their beauty. In fact, God told him to take it easy before they consume his wisdom totally. You know pleasure as in

sex has always a greater wisdom to take the grace and wisdom of great men.

We can only avoid that only through running like Josef or through avoiding the direct exposure to temptation. Otherwise, once we are in the position where there is no return, we won't see any other option other than our grace to be shaved like Samson.

But in all of our adversaries and impossibilities, you are a good God. You carry and advice and suggest us all the time without even seizing. You know without you, we are dead. So you do what you can do not to leave us alone. Even our own mother might lose hope. But you Jesus, your love is forever. You will never and ever leave us alone till the end of time. Your love is non-changing! Everlasting! Your face is all we hope, Lord! Your heart is full of compassion!

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us to teach wisdom to distinguish the evil from the good so that we will finish all our days serving the Lord.


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