The Sooner the BetterEdit Blog

By   fasika   Date Posted: May. 2, 2014  Hits: 4,368   Category:  Purpose   Total Comment: 2             A+ A-


The level of interest we want something determines how quick we will get it. Jesus obeyed his father fully and shortly he joined his father in heaven. We are here on earth for only one ultimate purpose that is to show that we really obey the father. If God is going to destroy today that we made yesterday, it means he is not interested on the art craft. Nor he is interested on the architecture or the sky scrapers we made.

That is why Jesus doesnt come here and be the best in everything. He has come to this earth with a very specific purpose that is to be slaughtered for the sake of every sinner. Jesus carried every sin every human being made before he is born or after and he take all of that and burn on the cross. There is a beauty with that that God has made for us. He made Jesus to carry all of our sins without even complaining.

Now we also need to carry the sin of others. Sometimes people do bad things to us and unless we resist it, it will stay with us. Now we all know how much this is painful. We believe we have to fight back in order to avoid the burden of sin we carry. However this is not exactly God wants us to do. He expects all of his children to win with good.

We are temporary pain carriers but still the Lord can take it away from us and burn it. That way all of our sins and the sin we get from other person will find a solution. That is why the Spirit of our Lord is here with us to get rid of sin as quickly as possible. Like Jesus we all are created with a define purpose in life. The quicker we finish it, the sooner we will go to heaven - The sooner the better.

And the only way we complete our mission is through obedience. What so ever it is and what nature our purpose has, we need to obey God. We shouldnt be wise according to our understanding. don't be smart on our own accord. We should seek first the council of the Lord and we will be fine.

With out purpose life is like a sailor with out destination harbor. Any wind will take us anywhere. But when we get the real purpose God has created for us, we will know out destination harbor. And you will encounter storms and winds, yet that all are indication that you are on the right track. The devil has no problem as long as we don't know where we are going. He will look at us and say,

"What can I possibly do wrong about these people?"

I mean there wont be any resistance with out any flow of current. The same way if we don't know our mission in life, we are free of opposition. Many people know about this and they like the idea of freedom rather than engaging them selves in battle - Freedom to do whatever they want in life and still no opposition.

But life with out fighting is not life at all. Think of the rewards we will get from our father in Haven. Think of the glory will bring to the family of Jesus if we fight the good fight of Faith. Whether we like or not, war is already broke between the kingdom of God and of the devil. There is no other glamorous way than to be what you are created to be.

But still we can not identify our real purpose until we learn to listen what the Lord is revealing to us through his spirit - To listen the Spirit of God telling us to do some things and withdraw form others. The Lord pleases to teach us techniques and training for the ultimate battle. He likes to guide us in every direction to make us come out of the battle field as victors. And how do we learn? We learn by obedience.

No slave is better than his master. No student is either. I am telling you the truth it is not even right to look straight in the eyes of your master. Neither should we ask too many questions that destructs the teachings of the Lord. We shouldnt also take assumption of our own. We need to do as exactly we are told to do and that will save your life. What would we get from being obedient?

Well, first off all we will save our self a lot of troubles by being obedient. Second, we will get all the support we need for our mission from the Lord himself. Third, we will successfully complete the mission and bring joy to our father in Heaven. Forth, we will be successfully rewarded in latter days after the Lord come and take us to our eternal home. Now many of us focus mainly on the forth part? Many of the great warriors of faith in Gods kingdom don't receive their reward on earth.

I mean what sort of blessing we would expect from this world. To be partakers of the eternal life that is offered through Jesus Christ is our greatest reward of God. Everything that looks beautiful in this world withers and die. What seems to be likable today is not it tomorrow.

Everything changes in this world and to fall in love with temporary thing is only to hurt our selves. Think of this as if we fall in love with family-reunion that is celebrated in our home. And this re-union is done once in five years or it may not happen again. Once the event has ended, they will be gone all in different directions to their own homes. Who want to fall in love with that? We will be hurting ourselves if we lay our Joyce in a single day family reunion celebration. Who want to put their happiness on their laughter?

If we totally depend on the encouragements you can get from one day reunion, what are we going to do when all sail home the next morning leaving us with nothing but empty home? Obviously our hope will be doomed and we will fall in to some form of sadness for a couple of days.

Dont work for something that will be destroyed with fire. don't put your treasure and your pleasure where moths can easily destroy it and thieves can easily steal it. Instead put it in a place where no thief or moths can reach it.


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Previous Comments: 2

Posted By:  eskedar
Monday, May 5, 2014
it is true the greatest thing God desires from us is Obedience. He is pleased by that more than anything.
Posted By:  Tewodros
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It is still a great mystery for many what the Lord has done for us on the cross. Jesus had obeyed his father till death even if it is a death on the cross which was the most humiliating way of persecution and execution at the time. He did that to take the shame and death we have brought onto us by sinning against God. With his humiliation, he brought forth a victory for us so that we all may bring ourselves to the lord without the guilt of our sin. May the lord give his grace to obey him till the end! The mercy of the lord endures forever

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