Our Glamorous CallingEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Jun. 18, 2014  Hits: 4,048   Category:  Purpose   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


We do not live as they live. We are not called for drinking, eating and chatting. We are called for a glorious purpose that brings glory to God s name. He ordained us in the beginning for the greatest life of all. We don't see as they see, we don't talk as they talk. We are special people of God. In the end the scripture says, people start to marry each other, there will be a lot of celebration and will forget the return of the Lamb of God, the holy one.

But you dearest, watch the time and seasons as the coming of the Lord is unknown. Only God knows when, not even the son of man knows that day. But woe to those that are pregnant with the staff of this world, as that day becomes a lot of trouble for them. I mean tell me how good is to get deep in to the garbage of this world since the end of time is getting closer one level at a time?

How good is to have so and so cars or houses or a husband or a wife, which have no values in the kingdom of God? So when we want to tell God about our husband or wife, let us tell him interms of the benefits they have to us to bring glory to God and what benefit are we to them to accomplish their purpose on earth.

This could be a car or whatever we have that we are proud of it. It is good to know that every thing we have in life is not a real thing that we should put our heart on it. It is a test by the Lord if we will use as an opportunity to bliss him and glorify him with it or any thing we want it but God told us not to use it. And if we must obey, we must obey it like an earthly father test the LOVE of his child by giving him something and see if we can be faithful and can be trusted.

It is faithfulness if we can easily give it back to our father and mother whenever we are asked to give it back. We are trustworthy if we can use it as the father tells us to use it. But most of us, we focused so much in the toy. That is why we don't know how to use it appropriately. And even worse we forget who gave it to us to use in the first place. There is no problem if we like the toy but better we know there is a real thing coming. And the toy is nothing compared to it.

So Let us not forget the real gift of God which is joy, kindness, happiness, LOVE, compassion, mercy, praise, worship, honor, dignity, friendship, and truthfulness by focusing too much on the fancy item we have. Most of all don't miss the eternal purpose of life, the main reason we are born to do by becoming too much blind from the deceitfulness of the world.

Yes, it is sometimes inevitable to face disappointments as we are little children of God and it is easy to miss his will easily. We used to be more disobedient when we were little children than we are now to our earthly parents. But now as we grow older, we also grow wise. We no longer make the same mistake that makes our parents unhappy.

Same is true with father God. We have to know him more of him everyday in order to know his real purpose in life. Let us not forget, God is not on the side of sinners. So we should hate evil and do what is right. We miss his plan for us because we don't know him. We forgot what he has done to our lives. The pattern of his covenant and his miracles and wonders are proofs that he is miracle maker and He is a God of principle. If we abide by his word, he is willing to do his miracles for us. He does it according to his principles.

We should always seek and do good to remind him his promises he has made to us in his word. It is a covenant between him and us. It is bondage that will stay forever.

Let us not also forget we are called everyday, most importantly to tell his wonderful LOVE to others who may need it to establish their relationship to God through Jesus Christ. Let s not hesitate to share our lives and tell what God has done for us thorough Christ Jesus.

This way we will not be put to shame and our spirit will not hold responsible for the destructions of the sinful world. Most importantly let us avoid anything in our lives whether it is sin or a bad habit or anything at all that will darken our lives and lose the transparency of our heart which eventually make us unable to shine the glory of God in our lives.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit help us finish our journey with hope, faith and LOVE in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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