The Hour of DarknessEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jul. 4, 2014  Hits: 4,819   Category:  Purpose   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


When the time comes that all that matters no more matters.In other words, will it matters any more what matters most in the last hour of our lives.

Will there be any regrets and remorse? Or we may be filled with fulfillment and joy?This all might depend on how we spend every moment of our lives.

We ask ourselves: Did we avail ourselves to the Lord so that he can utter salvation, hope and encouragement to others? Did we separate ourselves from the useless things of this world?

If we can be used as instrument of love and not hate?If all we have done is not a waste of time and resources?If we can handle wisely our time?

If we can allow God to work with us and by us for his glory and for the benefit of us and others? Then we may feel no regret when all the time we have on earth is completed.

Joy will surrender our heart and it doesn’t matter anymore what we have not accomplished or not. God brings forth the honor that he prepared for his children from the start of time

What a blessing will it be to spend each and every moment of our lives with God.What a waste will it be if we don’t allow him to work in our lives?May be someone doesn’t know how to invite this God in to his life. But itis as simple as opening our heart and invite God to start using us for the benefit of others.

Nothing can compensate the time wasted in vain for the past years of our lives other than to be more focused and do the will of God the remainder of our lives. When it comes to the nuts and bolts everybody knows what really matters when they know they are at the brink of their lives.

My challenge to you is why not start now? What do you lose if you dedicate yourself to following God and God’s principles starting from today? The sooner is the better. The more we allow ourselves to waste our time for less important things can bring the day of sorrow and not happiness.

No one can avoid the moment of absolute solitude and the day of darkness where we brought forth to face the real challenge in our entire being. That moment is when we come face to face with the Lord.That moment is no more the moment one can simply bypass without attention.

Let death not be the one who will bring God’s presence to our attention.

God has his own ways of avoiding the setbacks that comes between him and us and death is not the only option for him. We all die and once we die we have no hope of remembrance to the world.

What amazes me the most is how we all come to encounter the presence of God in our lives.

Most of us encounter with him because we were in great pain and trouble.

We completely surrender our lives to him:
• When there could not be possibly answer for our tragedies
• When the world is so bad on us and we have no choice but to cave in
• When we don’t find ourselves any more in the joy of living and we join the path of sorrow and darkness
• When our little lamp is getting smaller and smaller and the mirror we look onto our selves gets more dark
• When we eat sorrow for breakfast and sadness for dinner

We turn our head to God and sooner we find ourselves crying in his embrace
He embraced us comprehend all of it that even ourselves do not understand
He comfort us in his presence and that he promised nothing more can closely come between us
That is how most of us come to know God in Christ Jesus

Some of us were in great shame and humiliation and we are begging the Lord to cover our sins
We were doomed if the Lord did not interfere and cover our fault from being over told by the enemy

Some of us were in great confinement and solitude when we set our heart straight with God.When there is no one to turn to and no

even one beside us to listen our deepest sorrow.

When all the people we trust most has betrayed us and no one can come closer any more. Some people find life very difficult to live and to continue living in all of those three circumstances but for me it meant it is time to see God’s hand and mercy for all the insanity and bad things that happened in to my life.

I thought it is better I share my thoughts since life can get too hard on us and it even gets so bad that we cannot take it anymore. If we establish a strong relationship with our heavenly father, no one can separate us from him whether it is sorrow or happiness, darkness or light, and this life or the coming.

God is always there to snatch us from the mouth of the lion, killing giants for us, took away the strength of the fire and the power of death, and gives something to praise his name for.

You know the people we think is our own give condolences when we are in trouble. They cannot do any better since they are also like us. But God gives hope and he put an end to many bad things that happened in to our lives.


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If you are willing to give your life to Christ who is faithful to lead you through the rest of your life, we encourage you to pray this prayer and get back to us for more spiritual encouragement. Read More +

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