Conditional Blessing Edit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: Jul. 21, 2014  Hits: 6,038   Category:  Purpose   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


God set precondition for our blessings in this life but not to our salvation. Our salvation is pre-destined but not our blessings. Our obedience to the laws of God can determine our blessings but not necessarily our salvation.

Our faith determine our salvation. Does this mean a sinner will inherit the kingdom of God? Definitely not. But we cannot work our salvation by obeying the laws only. The laws cannot justify our salvation. It justifies that we are not able to do our own salvation due to the fact that we are sinners and Christ died for us to break the spiritual bondage.

We are saved by the grace and mercy of God shown through Christ and not by our works and deeds. But then if we can’t do anything to justify ourselves against sin and if only the work of Jesus can only sanctify us why do we even bother to do the right thing the Lord expects from us?

This is one of the most critical questions that every Christian has to have a clear understanding . Yes, we are expected to bear many fruits of the spirit like kindness to others, be merciful as our father is merciful, generous, self-control, godliness and many more.

Again due to the wickedness of our heart we were separated from God and we wouldn't be able to get to him in peace if we didn't accept the Lord as our savior and Lord. But this is not the final step in our journey of faith. In fact believing in Christ is just the beginning of the end to this journey

Deuteronomy 28:The Lord will make your businesses and your farms successful. You will harvest large crops, and your herds of cattle and flocks of sheep and goats will produce many young.You will have many children. You will have plenty of bread to eat.The Lord will make you successful in your daily work. The Lord will make you defeat your enemies and make them scatter in all direction.

The Lord your God is giving you the land. Your harvest will be so large and your store house will be full. You will be God s special people and every one earth will know it and they will be afraid of you.

The Lord will open the store houses of the skies where he keeps the rain, and he will send the rain just at the right time. You will have plenty of money to lend to other nations but you won t need to borrow yourself. You will be wealthy and powerful, not poor and week

What is our salvation composed of?

It includes repentence in the spirit that we promise the Lord we will no longer partake wickedness with the wicked. That we are disgusted with our sin and we will no longer want to peruse the lifestyle of sin. That we will forgive others as we are forgiven. Most importantly that what Jesus has done on the cross is enough to lead us in the path of righteousness.

Basically, salvation is more or less a promise than an act. A promise that you will be a good person that the Lord died to redeem and see a person walking by faith. So we are saved by promise and not by works.

So what if we cannot live up to the expectation of our promise?

That is also a very good question.Sometimes we found ourselves under the darkness of sin even after we are saved? Does this mean we lost our salvation and we no longer belong to the Lord’s family? These are all the question of the flesh we all once felt and got worried about.

But package of the plan of our salvation is complete . The Lord has prepared everything we need to be saved and remain saved.

The answer to this question relies on if we may come to him with true repentance

and wash our sins away through the blood of Jesus and the word of God. This is a great mystery as Paul mentioned in Ephesians.

The church are presented as the body of Christ which he cleanses her pure and worthy to worship God through his blood. This is not one time process. It is our day to day activity and whenever we are short of the glory of God when to come to the throne of God through Christ.

The last and most important questions that we all ask is what if one intentionally abuses this sacred covenant with the Lord by doing bad things over and over and over again. I would say that will be the worst thing that could possible happen to a Christian. There is far much hope for a person who is not saved yet than a person who intentionally abuse the blood of Jesus. The word of God has clearly stated that such kind of person has no inheritance in the kingdom of God

But for those who has no option but to lead a sinful life while they are craving for the glory of God inside; God knows everything even the deepest thought of our heart. For those who have hunger and thrust to see his face but the wickedness of this world doesn’t allow them to experience what they desire to see.

For those who cries out to him for freedom of sin and whose hope comes from the Lord, the Lord will prepare an escape plan from the scheme of the wicked. For those who put their eyes on the Lord and for those whose strength is built on the Lord, there is still hope in finding God’s purpose as my life my witness.

May the Lord protect us from casting away from the plans of God. May he blessed us with abundance of grace to resist every temptation of sin and extend his mercy every day to live with peace and love with him and others.


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