God has installed his purpose in us for his glory. He has made us in his likeness full of integrity and kindness for we shall look up onto him and find his image in him and he shall look down on us and find his image in us.
God seeks relationship and LOVE besides his true glory and everlasting majesty. That is why he sent us his son to restore the kind of fellowship he had in Eden.
It is always good to put aside our feelings and trust only on God's commandments. It is not good to feel smart and do some stupid things with out his consent.
It is not good to do things only based on our thinking and not consulting God. He left his spirit within us for him to help us find out solutions to our problems. If we listen to little voice deep inside of us, there is everything we need there.
There is hope and comfort, there is on time help from our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is not wise to make selfish decisions that will hurt others and eventually us.