The Path You have Ordained for UsEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jun. 30, 2014  Hits: 4,255   Category:  Purpose   Total Comment: 2             A+ A-


What God has prepared for us looks like we will only fulfill it in due time but not exactly realize it now. Any of our enemies can't succeed to withdraw us from it no matter how long and how hard they try. We have already believed that they can't separate us from the love of the Lord in Christ Jesus.

We are looking forward to see it, seeking and waiting for it to come to pass. Now we know to what point of life we should work more. Now we know our weakness from our strength in spirit. Now we know our allies from our enemies.

What is it Lord that you want us to reveal yourself through us? It must be far from our imagination that we couldn't find out till now. It must be something very important. It must be something big even we could sabotage our own purpose if you reveal it before the time.

We will wait you our Lord and you will come walking on the mountains.You will come tramping the mountains of disappointment of the past, anger of the present and fear of the future.

You make us happy right now so that we wouldn't be worried about tomorrow. Everything else is additional, extra to the life you have prepared for us. Your spirit is the greatest present of all greatest gifts from you.

So what is our purpose in life?Why are we created for? It is to listen to the Lord and do exactly how he tells us to do. His will for his people is peace, prosperity and eternal life.

The enemy has done everything to take that from us. The Lord wants somebody to tell the truth about him. The enemy is a liar. He will do anything to take us from our father.

He striped us the clothing of righteousness that the Lord had put upon us. He stole the beautiful gifts of treasures our father gave us. I believe there is one major reason why he created us. We are created to tell the truth about what was life like with our father before the devil took from us and what life is meant to be and it's meaning to us.

We are created to declare his love for his people in Christ Jesus. We are created to tell the peace his Spirit gives to generations. Most of all we are created to tell the mercy and love God had displayed through Christ Jesus.

I have waited all this time to come to this point where I realize what the rest of my life would mean to me. As far as I am concerned, I was selfish and all my desires were evil. I am not better than any one or trying to be one.

Before God met me and changed my heart, I was a brutal beast before him. I was senseless and driven only by my blind passion. I was filthy and sinful before he shades his blood for me and cleans me.

I have a feeling that I used his mercy more than anybody else I know. If it is measured in terms of the blood of Jesus I used to clean my self, I will be the one who used it many times.

Because I still remember how many times I have asked the Lord to heal me. But after he has healed me, I go back and get filthy again. I am not trying to be more righteous in my mouth.

I am telling the truth here that I should tell of his love and testify his mercy. I don't need someone to tell me to be a servant for the Lord because his love calls me daily.I don't kneel down for sin because Jesus is my only master from this point on wards. I have abused his love in many ways and hurt his feelings.

Father, I don't want to be a slave of my sins. I have come to understand it is much better to be a slave for you. Be a master of my soul and my flesh and my body.

I don't want anything to take control of my life any more. I pray with all my heart for God to use me as he wishes and let my days end in his house idolizing your true nature. I pray that may God help us to tellhis love for our brothers and sisters.

Your children sing a song of love to you and we are willing to sing it forever. Now,

ore than ever, we need to tell God's love for us through Christ Jesus.

I will use every moment of my life I have lived to tell it how gracious and merciful our father is. I am like that little sluggish worthless thing you find deep inside the ocean. You can call me oyster. Even if they look like worthless, they have one God given purpose.

They make some beautiful and precious thing, pearls. I should do the same thing or else I will be doomed before my time. Any thing I do or I watch I should make a good thing out of it.

My eyes cant see the evil out of some thing. But I will find the good in something and bring as an offering to the Lord and to write and share with my brothers and sisters. I have no good on my own. I do exactly as God speaks to me in his spirit and not put my own perspective according to my own understanding.

Thank you God for revealing this mystery to us as it has revealed the purpose you have ordained for us even before creation. We honor your name and subdue our selves under your spirit in the name of Christ Jesus. AMEN!

It is always good to glorify Gods name. How beautiful it is when we do all things for Gods glory only no matter what we do. This way the fear of God will always be in us and it is the next intimate relationship with God.

We no more have feelings for the self. Instead we always try to realize what makes him happy and what makes him sad. We don't seek our own expectations of what makes him happy. Instead, we do only what he tells us to do. We don't seek your own desires. Instead we go after his.

We don't run after our own wild dreams. Instead we direct our path according to his will. We don't try to make someone happy just to get attention. Instead, we make him happy first and all the rest latter. We don't fear anyone but the only one who should be respected all the time.

This is how we will glorify his name on our lives - the name that has the full power on the earth and the heaven. His name is Jesus, the son of God and it is sweetest than any thing else.

This is how we should present our lives as a sacrifice to his pleasure. Not drawn too much to our own desires - running away from slavery of the mind, the body and the soul which is only possible through the Lord Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit that dwells in us.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with these, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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Previous Comments: 2

Posted By:  Tan Yeowhwa
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Yes, You are right, Brother Tedy. We have failed God so many times, we have not follow His path closely. So many things we do are not pleasing to Him. Yet He chooses to help us, to forgive us again and again, and He will wait patiently until we are willing to give Him our all. That's how great how God is. He will guide us to the path ordained for us, the path and the destiny He has for us which are written in our Books. I feel comforted each time I think of my life already written in Heaven and waiting for me to live it out here. Thanks for sharing Blessings always From Hwa Silverpen
Posted By:  Tewodros
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dear Silverper It is the guidance of the lord that bring us till this day and will take us to our destiny in God's eternal plan. Let us always give thanks and honor to God almighty for doing that in our lives. Blessings,

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