No matter who we are or where we come from, we are one way or the other subject to sin against the Lord. This is no matter how righteous we want to be to please our Lord with all our heart, our soul and our spirit.
But there is always one problem. That is the flesh always battle with the spirit and once in a while the spirit gives a way to the flesh. It is like two spirits living in side of us - one is a good one and the other is a bad one.
As long as they are in there the battle is always there.
But don't forget, who ever fights till the end will win the battle. It is true that one has to give way to the other. One has to leave while one will continue to grow.
Which one will stay with us forever is our choice. I don't know how long the fight shall continue. The bad one could be anything at all. It could be an addiction or any kind of bad habit that will lower us than who we really are in the beginning. The good one is the Spirit of the Lord in us.
Every individual on this planet has the same problem. Our soul gets confused, stressed, worried, anxious, disappointed and discouraged when the evil takes control. The cause of this problem is one thing and that is we are like a cursed seed as long as we live in this flesh.
Nothing on the earth, above the earth and under the earth will make us free from it except the blood of the lamb. Nothing we do is good enough to God to sanctify us from our sins.As longs we live in the flesh, we will never see the glory of God.
Neither will we get in to the kingdom of God unless we take God's way of salvation.
Ephesians 2:8-9For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Making ourselves in agreement with God's own way of salvation through Christ Jesus shows at least we are willing to give up our selfish desires and come to God's will.
Let's not forget, what brings the curse to us in the first place is nothing but disobedience. So there is nothing other than obedience that will take us back to our heavenly father.The kind of obedience that God wants from us is not only to be faithful to him and love him no matter what. It is also to believe in the kind of salvation he has prepared for us.
We need to believe what God has done for us through his son Jesus Christ. With out purifying our body, mind and soul with the blood of the lamb everyday, we cannot do righteousness as good as the Lord expects from us.
I believe one of the reasons why we cannot be good enough in the eyes of God with out through Jesus Christ is because the kind of relationship we had with God in Eden was so special that we cannot even imagine and imitate it as long as we live in this flesh.
After all God is the creator and we are the works of his hands, so how can we try to do righteousness for God? How can we be righteous in the eyes of God unless God covers us with the garment of grace which as he mentioned in his word that it is the blood of the lamb. Beloved, our father wanted to sanctify his children with the blood of the lamb, who are we to suggest something else?
All my life, I had a great ambition to be as good as I can because in my spirit it tells me so. But every time I want to raise and to be that person whom I call a good and righteous and totally pure in the eyes of God, something hit me on the head put me in my previous position.
I tried to be like that at least in all my childhood and adult hood. It never works that way. Everytime I want to do it, there wil be some form of force that will cast me down. And I tried as many times as I never tried anything else thinking the enemy is fighting me not to reach the goal.
very time I fight it, I will lose my strength but never achieved the life of a sinless life.
I believe it is all about self
righteousness and it will lead to a greater form of sin which is pride and unforgiveness. After so many years, after expermienting on this regard for almost two decades and after all my energy is gone, I come to understand that I will never achieve it in this attitude I have had in the past.
But this makes me also for some time not to try to strive for the kind of life our Lord wants us to live - A sinless but not on works only. I think the point of our experience in this regard is not to take one side. That is either on the side of to be self-righteous person and the other side is to live life simply on the basis of grace and do what ever we want to do reluctantly.
As far as I remember my life worked in the right way when I bitterly cry and tell my Lord,
My Lord, I get it. I cannot do anything good by my self even if I want to please you. There is always a time I will be sinful and disgrace my self badly unless you stood by my side and hold my hand. I will always choose love than judgment and I will never pass wrong accusations or gossip who ever it is. I will try to be faithful in every aspect of my life not thinking that it will be counted to the final points to beat my brothers and sisters. But just to express my deepest feelings for you that no matter who I am, you did not cast me down and you will never do that as long as I keep my eyes on you. If possible let me experience the kind of love you have showed to us through your son Jesus Christ on the cross so that I will understand just the glimpse of how much you loved us by grace. It is your love who makes us who we are and we don't deserve anything to be like that. It is your love who brought us to you and who draw us to you and it is your grace that we are so loved by you. We as human beings know the characteristics of grace. It is unmerited, underserved, but freely given.
As far as I remember I cried, for so long because I was in a serous situation that time. I was in the brink of life and death. I had no option but my addiction was almost about to finish me. It was one addictions but I couldn't get over it for almost two decades. It always takes another form when I start to think I got over with it.
Isaiah 40:31
But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
But then my Lord did extraordinary thing that night. He completely healed my soul and my flesh. He washed my sins with his blood. He gave me hope filled me with joy. But he also tells me to keep writing his mercy and love everyday and I have done that since then.
He instantly healed me from my major addiction and other forms of bad habit that goes with it. I never forget how my heart was filed with joy and happiness. My Lord gave me also a lot of victories over my enemies. He made me blessed with not only his love but regarding my education. He gave me a very nice profession whom I love most - teaching.
But one day almost one year past, I experienced the same kind of addiction I had before. I was totally shocked that it happened again and I couldn't resist the temptations. I examined my self for weeks and it turn out to be a sign of pride against my students. Unfortunately I resigned my job willingly and work in another place that I had better relationship with.
But the Lord has healed every addiction of my soul that put me into slavery to sin and make me feel bad and worthless. I give all the glory to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ who not only saved me from eternal death, but also from addictions that consumed my life for so long. I have no pride of my own. My Lord saved me from my sins that were hunting me till I give up in life.
So it worked, brothers and sisters. It works for those who believed that there is a thin line between two adversaries. True Life is
ever about the so called righteous or the wicked(in our eyes).
The victory of battle is not for the faster and swifter. Happy and enjoyable life is not for the wise and the rich. Righteousness is not for the one who runs after it. If we believed in something and forget the other, we will fail.
One thing is always true. The soul that always trusts on the Lord will never put to shame forever. The Lord is faithful and he will come one day upon the mountains of all our adversaries smashing them like pieces.
Blessed are those who always want to please God and not themselves. Blessed are those whose sins are no more counted. Blessed are those whose protection is from the Lord.
Yes we can live a life that is up to the expectation of the word of God. But it can only be done by the grace of God. When we come to God, it is impossible to say anything, 'I did it'. It is very dangerous to take credit ourselves for the work of God. Nothing we do is not our own. One way or the other, God has done it for us.
If we can live up to this, yes we can live a sin free life on this planet. But remember we are living in a fallen world and how come one can live a sin free life with out pride. Think about it. Therefore self righteousness is not a good option. Living totally depending on the grace of God with out doing anything is also very dangerous.
Faith accompanied by work is all it is required from us. We do what we have to do but not because we think we want to get self confidence and self righteous but to show how much we love him. We must believe that if the lord doesn't want to give us the grace to live a sinless life, we cannot do it at all. This way we will understand the pain and burden of others and have pity on them as they carry the same sin as we carry on some other form.
Romans 6:14
For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.
Moreover, If the lord almighty doesn't want to get pleased in our own way of life, we cannot pleased him by force. Sometimes I tell my self that even if this is the way I have to live the rest of my life, a sinful and unhappy life, I will live it as long as my lord is happy with it. But I know he doesn't want me to suffer. But also He doesn't want to take something from me which I love even more than him. So the choice to live up to this life or to give it up for the Lord who dwells in every one of us.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!
Romans 11:6
But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.
James 4:6
But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,