Be like Little ChildrenEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Feb. 27, 2016  Hits: 3,958   Category:  Salvation   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Matthew 18:3 And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. "Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Be like Little Children:

This is the key to enter the kingdom of God, but how to be like little Children?

We are grown-ups now but what does the Lord mean by that?

In my opinion, It means:

1. Love like crazy

What a privilege to be loved and accompanied by children since they don’t know how to do that wrongly. On the other hand, we know how to fake it. We know how to smile without loving someone. Children’s love is indeed pure and not diluted with fake body language

2. Forgive like everything a person does harm to you is like a scratch.

Don’t try to conceive and implement evil things on those who have done you wrong. Do not go to war with your enemy. Treat your enemy like your friend. That is what children do. They don’t store in their mind how to attack someone who is not nice to them. If someone treats them badly, they will forgive him after a while. They just don’t have the capacity to do that.

3. Humble yourself like you are the dumbest and lowest of all.[But you are not that at all]

Children don’t treat other children with disrespect. They don’t consider themselves as one of the brilliant people in the world and think others like crazy. They love dearly. They are polite and sincere.

4. Sharing out of Love

Children give out of love not out of a reason to be respected or to be famous. They don’t give to enslave someone out of a huge amount of debt this person carries and cannot repay.

The children don’t share their things because they want to enter the kingdom of God. They share because they love.

5. Purity from immorality: I don’t know how but we grownups are always under an attack from the devil to exercise immorality. This is like our main weakness. Whether it is too lose our integrity through backbiting or whether it is that uncontrollable addictive way of life we are doing, we are always short of the glory of God.

6. Don’t grumble

I have never seen a child cursing the Lord for bad things happened in their lives

I know when they are disciplined, they may feel bad, but they always fall back to love their parents no matter what happened.

7. Always thankful

8. Always forgiving

9. Always cherish

10. Never count or recall one’s wrong doings

11. Hopeful for the future

12. Don’t worry about the future.

They don’t worry about what they eat and drink. They don’t worry about which schools they will attend. But we parents do that for them. We worry for them. They don’t worry for them. It is not in their mindset at all.

13. Love gently. Life is short.

Huge gently. Talk gently. Show your love and don’t hide it.

14. Honor others more than themselves

15. Never hesitate to ask forgiveness when they do wrong. As they honestly embrace others when others confess, they also truthfully confess their wrong actions and don’t say, “Let me pray first”

16. Be honest

Have you ever seen a child who fakes his anger or happiness? Have you ever watched a childhiding all his feelings and protruding fake ones? Children are indeed honest and we know it and like it when someone is honest with you. If we like them tobe honest, we have to be honest too with others with God.

17. Become the source of laughter and joy for yourselves and for others

18. Be helpful

19. Be inspirational.

I am so inspired by the life of children. I want to be loved and cherished all over again like I used to be loved when I was a child. I want to love and cherish others as I usedto do it
fore when

as a child. Please God help me to be a child again so that I don’t fall from your grace and cutoff from the midst other children who already made it to your midst.

20. Don’t insult and accuse others 

I cannot exhaustively mention all the characteristics of little ones. They should be our learning point, hence we may start to realize how mean we are and confess the evil doings we did to others.

It is all about our mindset.  We need to work on that a little bit every day.

We pray in the name of Jesus to capture what we have lost when we became grownups and be like little children since the kingdom of God is only for those people who are like little children.


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