On the day of Easter God did some thing that the world had never seen before. He did some thing that no one has fully understood and has not been told to its fullness. On this very day a son was given for us as a ransom for our transgression and our sins.
Our sins have caused us death and God loved us so much he punished his son for us. It is impossible for God to break his principles and values. It is also impossible for us to sin and not paid the price of our sins
But we have sinned too much that we could not even pay for our sins.
We make it impossible for God to come closer to us since he is righteous and we are not.
But he loved us so much that we could not even imagine and he paid the great price that was put on us. Sin caused us a huge debt but God paid it all that makes us free from our bondage. He broke the chain that sin has placed and makes us the servant of evil and not the Lord.
He did not let us get destroyed ultimately. In the midst of our distraction Gods miracles revealed to us. While the enemy has planed everything to make us history,the mercy of God showed up to snatch us from the jaws of the evil.
Like a stranded sheep we did not get lost forever. But he come after and rescued us from the death that is waiting for us.
The penalty of sin is death and with our sins we got ourselves in to this penalty.
God as he is compassionate father to all of us did not let us die in our sins but he gave his only son to save us.
Because he loved as so much that he couldn’t let that happen.