Salvation Check PointEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jul. 12, 2017  Hits: 3,313   Category:  Salvation   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


If the mercy and forgiveness we feel every day by the power of the Holy Ghost are not strong enough in our lives to do the same for other people, our faith is in danger. We have to stop for a minute and think why we are acting the way we act. The Spirit of God is active in our lives if we follow God’s will. But if we don’t follow him, we will not feel his presence when we need him most. We may think he is still with us but the fact is he is gone long time back.What a great tragedy would it be for any born again Christian to let this happen due to silly mistakes? It is very important to know that Holy Spirit like any human being has feelings. He can feel very bad when we are mean and unloving to others.

His presence is guaranteed where there is the love of God that dwells in you to do miracles in other people lives. He will give you the power to preach the good news to the world, to help others in times of trouble, to encourage the oppressed and to give hope to the depressed. If we don’t love people, there is no love of God in us and vice versa.When we love to do good things in people lives, it will instantiate the spirit of God to do more. Anger, malice, hate, bitterness, deceit, conspiring on others, blasphemy, gossip are all the fruits of the devil. If we practice these a lot, then we are partaking from the nature of the devil and we are walking far away from the Spirit of God.

Compassion should be contagious. It is a great deal of sin if we accept forgiveness and practice hate to others. Nothing makes God happy than to see us practice what he does in our lives.

If we saw him being kind and loving, he expects us to do the same to others. It doesn’t sit well with him when we do the opposite of what we get from him.Sometimes, we become so mean to others. We exaggerate their little mistakes and make them a big deal. We fight hard with them and make their lives very complicated. Some of us even drag them to courts by accusing them falsely without being realistic.

I am telling the truth, there is nothing more powerful to expel the Spirit of God from our lives other than hate except other sins like consistent behavior of experiencing adultery, lie, gossip, murder, theft, pride, hate.. How come as christians, who have received mercy by the grace of God and escaped from punishment of eternal fire, become so mad with our friends/family and drag them to courts and persecute them against their will?How come we degrade the compassion and forgiveness of God through Christ by practicing bitterness and hate towards others? Do you know our salvation is conditional? Do you know if we don’t forgive others, our sins will not be forgiven by God and we will face eternal judgment?It is really important to check the status of our salvation every day by presenting ourselves under the mercy of God with humility and fear of God and tell God that we have forgiven every aspects of transgressions made towards us as God forgives our sins.

As human beings, there is little we can do to avoid conflicts. We often feel sad or anger inside and that is not bad by itself. What is bad is when we allow the devil to convert our misunderstanding to hate, bitterness, prolonged anger, and bitterness.We can easily break out of the yolk of these sins by forgiving others as Christ himself forgive all of our sins.

Luke 1

:4: “…and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.” 

Matthew 6:15 : "..But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Forgiveness is the opposite of pride. If you think you are better than your friend, you will not forgive him because you won’t think you are wrong. You always think you are correct and it is very hard to forgive others while you think you are correct. If you have a little bit, just tiny bit of pride, you won’t forgive the wrong doings of others. Humility is the father of forgiveness. Forgiveness comes from humble heart. Love is the father of humility and the grandfather of all good things including forgiveness. Anyone who loves his friend very dearly will not have any problem to forgive the wrong doings of others. Anyone who hates you will never forgive you when you do mistakes and that is why you know if a person loves you or not.

Therefore, check your heart if you still love your enemy, your friends, your spouse, your children and most importantly your God with all your might and strength. If you do so, then you are good to go. If not, please confess all your sins and Holy Spirit will come to you as the first time you get saved and he will dwell with you. My brothers and sisters, I leave you with the word of God and encourage you to be vigilant all the time as our enemy, the devil, always finds the oportunity to steal the precious gift of life, that is our joy and love in Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 10: 11: Now these things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come. So the one who thinks he is standing firm should be careful not to fall. No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape, so that you can stand up under it.

May God bless you in Christ Jesus!


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