Obedient Love and FaithfulnessEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Dec. 27, 2013  Hits: 22,025   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


God's LOVE is the solution to all of our problems. When we face difficult situations, simply think of LOVE. LOVE make us do things that we can't do before. LOVE is the instrument of bearing instruction for loved ones. Obedience is the only way to express our love. Unexpressed love is a dead love. There is no way the other person knows our love unless we expressed it. The only way to show our love to others is to do what they ask in God's way. Otherwise, it will be selfish love. And we can't win their heart with selfish love. To make it bidirectional, do what they say. We say we love God, but where is our obedience. God said, 'If you say I love you, keep my commandments. Without obedience, there is no love. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. - 1 Corinthians 13:4…

Every day is a great blessing to us. It is a new day, a new beginning. God is a God of second chance. To be more precise: God is a God of as many chances as the number of days we lived and wait to live in order to try again………

So be refreshed when we wake up in the morning. Let's be ready to accomplish something that aches our lives. Something we dreamed of all our previous life. There is nothing we can't do and we know it if we believe in LOVE. If we wake up and go back to sleep, what is wrong with us?????

It is a new beginning! This might be our last chance. Who knows about tomorrow? This is the day he has made for us. Tomorrow has its own uncertainties. I don't know tomorrow. I am a man of my day and I am so blessed in its. Some go to bed at night and couldn't wake up again. Do we really, really want to be like that???????

For he says, 'At the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.' I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. - 2 Corinthians 6:2.

Do we think we have no power to move on? Do we feel helpless and hopeless? Well, at least let us show the courtesy of getting up, praise the Lord that we can see this day. Thank him and if we don't feel right, only then we may go back to bed. After all, no one will take the freedom of love from us…
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us in Jesus Name, AMEN!!!!



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