Marriage PrayerEdit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: Jun. 25, 2015  Hits: 4,838   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


It is the will of our father to find the right marriage partner in life. It is also his will to be blessed and bless other marriages. It is what he wants to do for his children. For his will is full of peace, joy and kindness. When the Lord blessed us with a companion in life, we need to ask him what are the things he wants to accomplish in our marriage. We need to receive a vision about our marriage. We need to pray:

Lord, you have considered and blessed your servant with a blessed wife/husband and a happy marriage. What is it that you want me to do that will eventually make you happy?

Tell us the work to be done. Enlighten us and give us dreams and visions. You have now two individuals who have separated themselves for you. Your kingdom has to be preached for the lives to come. Your love has to be told for generations.

You have two children who want to know what you want to do in their lives. You have two loving couples who are united by you to do your will. For you are merciful and loving God. Don’t leave us alone. Be present in our midst and bless our marriage that you have established through the blood of the Lamb.

Nothing shall come between our marriage and the love you have for us. Protect it and cover it by the blood of Jesus. For all we know you are able to do that. You make people fall and you raise the humble from the ground. Please cleanse and sanctify our marriage with the precious blood of Jesus. We are not able to sanctify and cleanse ourselves.

Our motives and the inclination of our heart is not far from sin. We need your forgiveness Lord; we need you to be there for us. There is no one to guide us and lead us. You are the father and the mother for this family. You are our level of expertise and confidence.

In you we only trust and depend. We always want to hear from you and do it because we love you and trust you. Spread your mighty shield upon our sacred marriage. Let no one come closer to us more than you. We need you more than anything to survive and to live a happy blessed family life.

The rest is extra and that means we don’t really need them as we need you. All we are getting from the world is another problem we are not able to deal with. But engage in our lives so deep and allow us to express our deep heart felt gratitude and love we have for one another.

Please allow this marriage to be a good start to prepare for the ultimate wedding that Christ will make to the church. Christ you are always the groom and we are your bride. By faith we will celebrate and enjoy thinking the greatest is yet to come.

We are the symbol of your love for the rest of the world. We are not to share blasphemy and sin with the world. Neither have we liked to get categorized under their congregation. Please cleanse our soul and spirit and most importantly our dirty flesh.

Moreover, please help your servants to live unto the word, the guidance and rule of protection, you have given us. You are the most fearsome God but yet lovely and kind. Please open the eyes of your servants to able to see what you are about to do in our lives. Glory and honor be onto your name in Christ Jesus.

Prepare us for the days to come. Teach us how to count our days so that we will have wisdom to do the right thing and most important thing. Teach us to be wise and bring hundred fold glory in to your kingdom. We couldn’t be satisfied with the food and the clothing and the job.

Teach us to eat eternal food, to drink eternal water, to do eternal work and to build eternal wisdom. In everything we want to hear from you, please do not hide your face from us. If you remain silent, we will be like those who are going to the pit. We would be as good as a blind person with no light for guidance. Your Words, your Promises, your Covenant, your Spirit is the way to life.

We are not only to pray this prayer for us but also for other marriages and couples who want to dedicate their marriage for God’s glory. 

Lord, we pray that you build the foundation of their marriage with strong love, patience and faith for one another and for your kingdom. Let their marriage be blessed for generations to come. Let no devil find ground for assaulting them to bring them to destruction. Let their marriage be sealed by the blood of Jesus.

We pray that you protect our vulnerability to sin of the desires of the heart and be our strong security against sin on any kind on to you. Instead, please install within us the spirit of servitude with humbleness and gratitude to you with this marriage!

In Jesus Name! Amen!


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