The Passion of MarriageEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Aug. 29, 2014  Hits: 4,165   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Passion is the motivation and energy that drives you to something you want to do in life. It is also the enthusiasm that makes your life easy to live together with other people. Your spouse is the next good thing that is given to you after you have born again. Jesus Christ is the greatest gift that is given and will be given to mankind. How passionate are you for your spouse?

Your spouse is not only your delight and joy in Christ but also s/he is the passion of your life to do anything. S/he is there for you to motivate you to do what you are called to do in life. When your wife or husband dreams big things, don’t get surprised because that is what they are created for.

That is how they are designed to meet and fulfill you. That is how they inspire and make you do more things that you never thought you will do. The other part of this is not a good story. When woman/man instigate his/her spouse to do something bad, s/he will do something that s/he never thought she would do it.

The story in the Bible illustrates this idea in a clear manner.We see in the Bible that a woman called Jezebel plotted the murder of an innocent person, Naboth, by deceiving her husband, Ahab, into the manners of her evils. The Bible teaches us a great lesson here that there was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, urged on by Jezebel his wife. Please read the full story in the Bible at 1 Kings 21

So it is more dangerous if we look at the negative side of it. But as Christians we have to resist all the temptation of the devil and focus on the positive part all the time. So be wise when you allow your spouse to guide you. Do not allow his/her emotions take control of your destiny.

Feelings are for a while but the truth will remain for eternity. That is how s/he is motivating you to do your job that will make it a lot easier. But how are you motivated yourself to see her/him every day by your side. Your passion towards her/him shows your love in everything you do to her/him . Yes, s/he is the sparkles of your eyes and the love of your life. So every time you see her/him, look in to her/his eyes tell her/him you really love her/him no matter what.

Passion is not something you will get simply by default. You have to work around and take some steps to be passionate. The passion you have for your spouse is that you may please your spouse in everything s/he needs support from you.

Sometimes this is not easy to do. But if you have to keep your family with you, you have to pay some sacrifices. Always even the worst thing that could happen to your family, it would be easily avoided by being the one who gives the most to the marriage for its happiness. Without sacrifices here and there, there won’t be extended happiness and joy in the house. Be the one who will always take offences and disappointments in case there appears to be one, not the one who creates them.

May God bless you for keeping your part of the covenant of your marriage! May god bless your marriage and family in Jesus name! Amen!


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