The Hardship of RelationshipsEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Mar. 25, 2014  Hits: 4,664   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Is it better to be alone than to be in relationship? We can really get hurt if we cannot find the distinct boundary in our relationships with others. Some tend to be more controlling and even more. Some are abusive by nature.

Our main curse when we are thrown to this world is so that we no more understand the true meaning of love - We tend to be abusive rather than loving and cherish. This curse is only taken by Lord Jesus Christ. Only when God wants to help us again. This is the time when he wants to be in peace with us after all those years of slavery of sin.

The main target of the enemy is to destroy relationship. Relationship between us and the father. Relationship between ourselves and others. So is it better to have someone by our side than to sit in solitude.

But there is a day to day battle involved within our selves and the surroundings. Our fight is not among blood and flesh but among principalities.

We need to pray the prayer of battle before we really going in to it. First we must check our selves if we are well armed. We need to ask if we have the breast shield of righteousness. We need to make sure if we have put on the belt of truth and wearing our helmet of salvation.

Having our shield which is faith in Christ Jesus, that will protect us from the arrows of the wicked, we become strong with the word of God in spirit and pray in spirit. That is our sword to cut of the curses of the evil and mutilate its evil ideas. What ever how clear we see the vision and its rewards are coming, the challenge that comes with it every day make it impossible to bear it. The challenges are so difficult that we sometimes start to forget our selves. Even doing the basic things like bathing or thinking clearly can become odd.

Sometimes we are totally controlled by our circumstances; we cannot do anything about the things that are taking our lives away from us. We lost hope all the way but waiting for miracle. We ask God for forgiveness by asking if we make him sorrowful again

But we see that we have been trying to be faithful to God for so long. This is the time where no one but God stands besides us. We cannot hear anyone talking wisdom. All lose hope because of us. But this is because we carry a load is too heavy for us. Only God can help us with this because it is not easy for any human to bear this. But the problem is we sometimes feel God has just forget about us because our sins are great.

For this reason we may think we run out of time. We may even ask our selves the important question how can a person who has seen extraordinary things in life specially after seeing God at work can do stupid things.

Life is not real; all the things we see now are simply mere icons and they won t be there when the time that matters comes. Anything truthful, anything dares loving will last but not these. We tell our father, 'Father I am almost despaired and exhausted and I cannot do this by my self anymore.'

God is trying to tell us:

I LOVE you and I am always there for you. I will never leave you. don't even think about I punish you for everything you do. I have my own way of teaching you a lesson for your benefit out of your failures.This I do it that you shall be prepared for the coming big life questions. You will face more important challenges. All the miseries here will prepare you for that. don't get lost by the training son because this is not being a brave heart at all. I want you to survive the test. I want to go through the training to defeat your enemies in battle. I want you to be strong and wise. Do what you have to do first and leave the rest to me. I am your father, the more you know me the more you will be like me. Find me every day with all your heart. I will reveal my self to you. Remember it is always how and when you believe what matters because I will command your belief to be under you.Remember the greatest challenges have the greatest rewards. I know everything here seems not worthy living for let alone worthy dying for. don't worry about anything. This in not your fault but work hard to be a professional. When it comes to faith be the first. Always focus on the goal. Most of all, be prepared to die for your purpose - forget misery.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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