The Urge of MinstryEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Feb. 20, 2014  Hits: 4,453   Category:  Minstry   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-

We all wanted to minster the Lord one way or the other. Being the servant of the most holy and fearsome God is the greatest privilege of all privileges. No one ever has fully told us about God. But his son has revealed his true nature and good will that he has for his people.

There are different kinds of ministry. The most common forms of ministry are preaching, teaching, worshiping, praying, interceding, fasting, teaching children through Sunday school, and cleaning the house of God. Many have been chosen to be quires, ushers, pastors, bishops, teachers, preachers, disciples, singers, missionaries, etc.

It is also to seek the face of the Lord every day and intercede for the weak. It is also to serve him with talents he gave us. It could be to disciple others, guide and teach little children at school or church, Bible study, group study, diligently prayer and seeking the face of God through fasting on a single topic, worshiping the Lord with beautiful songs, Minster the poor in spirit as well as with human needs, to listen to people who desperately need Jesus and respond to them in a timely and respectful manner.

I believe if God open a door for ministry and we are convicted we will go to the end with it, we don't have to necessarily stand in front of his people to do that. We will take any kind of opportunity to tell the love of God and the mystery of salvation to our brothers and sisters and any difficulty will be a great opportunity for speaking the word of God with power and revelation in courage and determination.

No great prophet has ever been fully accepted by the people with out any confrontation.

But the more challenging and hard heartedly they become, the more power and wisdom God has released to his servants with supernatural understanding.

I believe the most important thing in ministry is to ask the question who send you?

If God is the one who said Go and preach the good news then no one will have the power to resist that not even the power of darkness or the might of hell could stop that. But how pity it will be for those who come out to minister and to teach the people of the Lord with out having first making sure that God has sent them. The thing is it is not always wrong to do the right thing but it is when you try to do it at the wrong time and the wrong place.

Many have been tempted to do that before and only hurt themselves by going in to a place where God has not sent them. They might already have the right message but the city to deliver that message has to come from the Lord. They might know the city but does a message come from the Lord when to deliver it.

If Jesus had to wait 30 years before he started preaching the kingdom of God, how much more do we humans need the time before ministering the people of the Lord. Many will go out through some thing that looks like an open door to ministry but they will only end up hurting them selves.

They are not only failed but they put their faith in great danger. But the Lord is full of compassion and kindness, he always protect his children from danger. We might fail one or two times and get pretty messy, he never put us aside and laugh at us when we made mistakes.

God has no problem to give us the chance to actually go to his people and minster them.
What he has more of a difficulty is to make us in to a kind of person that he would trust to give us power over his people. One of the greatest forms of temptation is seeking once power for our selves and taking something that is not ours for granted and abusing it.

All of us actually fail this phase and no one will ever thrust us unless we passed the test again.
If we do pass the test, we will have the chance to come to Lord and ask for ruling stick from the Lord. There was a time when Mosses asked for it and denied and there was a time when he take all the time and focus on preparing himself to be a faithful servant for the Lord that he was granted the authorized opportunity to lead the children of God.

If Jesus has not been tempted about three times on three major issues which are the will of God, his flesh desires, and most importantly resisting the temptation of seeking power that is not yet given to him by God and he passed them all, he may not be qualified to do the job that God has given him on earth even if he was ready to lay his soul for his brothers and sisters.

There is a principle that we should all follow if we want to serve the Lord and his people. We cant just take only our zeal and depend only on our passion to come out for ministry. That is not how it works with God and his kingdom. No one will ever trust again a person that was once given the delegated power and abused it some how and cannot able to return it to the one the power really belongs to.

There is this wonderful example I come to notice to illustrate this fact. It is not absolute power when one comes to power to administer the people of the country. That is a delegated power and it has to be returned to the people when it is demanded back so that they can give it to whoever they want. There is also one perfect example in the book of Job.

When Job was put in to a very difficult situation in which no human being could ever possibly even imagine and when he was tormenting in agony and when he was asked to give every thing he has in this world, even his very own body, he didn't not complain rather he remains steady in his faith on the lord.
When Abraham was tested to give his only son to the lord he didn't have a second taught about it. He had brought his son to the place where he would have sacrifice him to the lord based on the request the lord made until he spoke again and specifically told him not to do it.

Nebuchadnezzar was once a mighty king whose kingdom was expanded all over the face of the earth and had control over every country and people that lives in it, but by the time he has taken all that for granted and when he started telling himself that he was what he was by his own strength, he foolishly put himself in to a very delicate situation with God.

By the time he begin to do that , the lord has snatched him from his kingdom and put him in to the likeness of a beast for God to make him realize that we all are a beast if we avoid the same spirit that the lord gave us.

All this specific examples are written for us to teach us something very important. That is who we are and what we have with God and who we are not and we don't with out him.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit give the wisdom to understand the timing for ministry by the grace of God in Christ Jesus, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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